Thursday 15 December 2022

Would You Dare Say This About A Female Paramedic?

Mr Armour told the court: 'I think it seemed very unprofessional and inappropriate not because of what he was doing, but what he was allowing.
'I have never seen that before where a colleague is dealing with an intoxicated patient being inappropriate, where he was allowing it to happen.
'We deal with it all the time. By the time he found the alleged victim calling the police, he said: 'By this stage I felt that what had happened was being blown way out of proportion.
'If we called the police every time something like this happened there would never be any police on the street.'

Imagine Mr Armour's fellow paramedic had been a female one, accosted by a drunk male patient as she tried to help him. He'd be crucified for such a statement. 

So why is it ok because the genders are reversed? 

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