Wednesday 15 February 2023

Finally, A Proper Sentence...

Albeit for an attack that would never have happened if the authorities had acted in the first place:
The defendant had denied that Mako carried out the attack and told the court that Ms Turner arrived injured at her front door having been attacked by a stray dog elsewhere.
Ms Beaven added that Mako, which had been subject to a dog behaviour contract because of two previous incidents, had since been euthanised because of health problems.

Nor was the dog the only one with a horrific record: 

The court heard that Peacock was previously given a suspended prison term in 2017 for causing unnecessary suffering to an animal after she killed eight puppies by placing them in a freezer and a ninth by hitting it over the head.

Why was someone like this ever allowed to own so much as a goldfish, let along a powerful dog? 

Judge Richard Parkes KC told Peacock : 'You have shown no remorse whatsoever for what happened, indeed you continue to protest even today that Miss Turner turned up at your door having already been attacked by some savage stray.
'The only real mitigation in this very serious case is the fact that you are elderly and suffering from multiple sclerosis, a condition which plainly requires long-term treatment.'

The irony being, she'll probably get better treatment in prison than out... 


  1. I wonder if Mako was actually put down. It wouldn’t be the first time that a woman like that would, before the trial, hand the dog over to a rescue centre to be re~homed to some poor unsuspecting new owner.

  2. "I wonder if Mako was actually put down."

    I'd like to think that someone checked, but... 🤷‍♀️
