Tuesday 14 February 2023

"How Very Dare They..?!" Pt 2794138

Did you think they should just roll over and take it, Francisco..?

But, of course, there’s been opposition – from Scotland’s landlord lobbies. Their argument was that the freeze was unfair on those in their ranks struggling with the cost of living crisis themselves. They also warned of a potential landlord exodus, further increasing demand issues.

As always happens when the government thinks it can solve an issue by meddling with market forces... 

But for all the “good landlords” out there who don’t price-gouge and who maintain their properties well, there are many tenants for whom these arguments won’t evoke sympathy: in 2019, the Scottish house conditions survey showed that 52% of privately rented homes in Scotland were found to be in a state of disrepair.

And are they all the fault of the wicked landlord, or of the tenants themselves


  1. Price controls are a terrible idea. This can be proved in two ways. Firstly, look at the history of price controls having been applied in the past. Without exception the results have been disastrous. Secondly, just think about it for a second. It just isn't possible to make something cheaper than it is just by declaring it so. By the same logic we could save millions on healthcare just by having an illness cap. Only mild illnesses will be allowed, being seriously ill will be illegal, how well do you suppose that would work?

  2. "Price controls are a terrible idea. "

    Yup, there's so much evidence. I guess that, like 'true socialism' they've never been tried properly... ☺
