Tuesday 14 February 2023

I Bet The Canapes Were Exquisite, Donna...

Ooh, burglary? Rural crime like fly-tipping? Domestic violence? Traveller incursions? 'Hate crimes' committed by those under the age of criminal responsibility?

Is..is this a big thing in Hampshire, then?

February 6 was the United Nations-sponsored annual international day of zero tolerance for FGM.

Ah. Of course. A great excuse for virtue signalling. And rubbing shoulders with all the right people, the better to secure a job when you get kicked out for being a burden on the taxpayer.

PCC Donna Jones spoke at a community event in Hampshire highlighting how important it is to raise awareness and understanding of FGM, to help identify those who may be at risk. The PCC expressed how hard it must be for girls affected by this to come forward, but reassured that she and the police funds specialist service providers to work with communities.
No, actually, they are funded by the long-suffering taxpayer, aren't they? 

H/T: Ian J via email


  1. I thought that FGM was gaining in popularity now that you can decide your a bloke and have bits cut off. Maybe it is me but I see a loophole here.

  2. Any prosecutions yet?

  3. Say, I wonder if there was a rash of people firebombing mosques, would the Filth be seeking to fund 'specialist service providers to work with communities' or would they just hunt down and arrest the people responsible?

  4. "PCC Donna Jones spoke at a community event in Hampshire ..."
    I wonder how many of those attending were Muslim, whether from shitholeistan, or another country where FGM is a cultural activity? A group of white, middle aged residents shaking their heads in disapproval at some of the activities described will do little, I would suggest, to resolve the problem.
    Posters outside mosques would probably lead to some form of reaction, though this, of course would be considered inappropriate.
    Still, as long as this non-jobbed lady earned some publicity.

  5. In my experience attending meetings with local residents -they only care about speeding cars, dog shit on the pavements and bad parking . No one cares about 3rd world mutilations

  6. "Maybe it is me but I see a loophole here."

    You might say that. I couldn't possibly comment... 😏

    "Any prosecutions lately?"

    It'd be nice, wouldn't it?

    "... or would they just hunt down and arrest the people responsible?"

    We can see what faith to put in the Met's ability to protect anyone by the Iranian tv company having to move to the States to safeguard their journalists...
