Wednesday 1 February 2023

"It is impossible to imagine what they must be going through at the moment."

Not really. We've had a hell of a lot of practice, lately.

Superintendent Matt Bullivant said: 'This is an absolutely tragic incident in which we believe that a child has been killed after being attacked by a dog.'

You mean, another child, don't you? It seems like dog attacks are becoming far more frequent, and the police response to them far more lacklustre. At least they shot the thing on scene this time, rather than take it in for expensive tests. .

'Clearly we are in the very early stages of an investigation, and it would be wrong and unhelpful to speculate as to the exact circumstances of this incident at this point.
'Anyone with concerns should feel free to approach our officers and ask questions, but I urge people not to speculate about the circumstances, especially on social media platforms.'

In case they reveal something you don't want them to know? Like why there's been no immediate arrest? 

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