Wednesday 1 February 2023

In A Statement From Her Office Under A Rock..?

How can anyone possibly claim to be surprised by this? 


  1. "continuously disappointed", maybe...

  2. Those who can teach, do. Those who can't become school managers. Those who can't do that become educationalists. And so on and so on right to the top where the merest iota of a hint of a smidgen of intelligence or common sense is a disqualifier.
    Remember, the political boss of the Ofsted does not want anyone smarter than he/she/it/them reporting to him/her etc. and showing them up.

  3. ""continuously disappointed", maybe..."

    That would indeed be more accurate...

    "...where the merest iota of a hint of a smidgen of intelligence or common sense is a disqualifier."

    And we can see the results of this every day around us, can't we?
