Thursday 2 February 2023

Why The Difference..?

Family with seriously ill child are arrested when she dies:

The Met Police have defended their actions, stating the arrests were 'necessary due to the seriousness of this tragic incident'.

Family who buy pitbull type which kills their four-year old are treated as poor victims:

Giving an update earlier on Wednesday, Superintendent Marc Tarbit said that the child's family are being supported by specially trained officers.
'An investigation is currently under way to fully understand the circumstances but we currently believe that this was a tragic, isolated incident and there is no threat to the wider community,' he said.
'Accordingly, no arrests have been made at this time.'

The difference surely can't be down to different forces - don't they all follow the same guidelines? Is the mauling death of a four year old considered 'less serious'? Did the Met Police fear that Mr Weiss was 'a danger to the wider community'? 


  1. It seems obvious that there should be consequences for buying a dangerous dog that kills or injures a person, but it doesn't seem like there are. It's baffling
    As to the different forces though, the Met police could probably be considered different, maybe even not of this planet

  2. Perhaps Plod subscribes to the Labour philosophy of being antisemitic?

  3. It’s even a long time since I learned it but it came back to me eventually. Section 1(2) Children and Young Persons Act 1933 seems to provide the answer to the question now being asked of the Met.

    “ Where the cause of death for an infant under 3 years is suffocation (not being caused by disease or the presence of a foreign body in the throat or air passages) while the infant was in bed with some other person who has attained the age of 16 years and where that other person was under the influence of drink or a prohibited drug either when he went to bed or at any later time before the suffocation.”

    Could it be that the father had imbibed a bottle or two of kosher wine?

  4. "It's baffling"

    It truly is. I am prevented from buying alcohol in most supermarkets if I have a child with me. But I can waltz into a rescue centre and but a dog capable of eating said child, and no-one would turn a hair...

    "Could it be that the father had imbibed a bottle or two of kosher wine?"

    If that's the case, it's even more bizarre!
