Thursday 2 February 2023

Your Mum Was Right...

...when she told you to always wear clean underwear in case you were in an accident:

Firemen were last night accused of photographing women who had died in car accidents. A female whistleblower told ITV News that those responsible even joked about the underwear the victims were wearing at the time of accidents.


Dorset Police has launched an investigation into the claims, while Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service has launched its own review.

What sort of people are we recruiting these days? 


  1. First question, how many of them are boat people? It sounds like the type of thing they would do.

  2. Are there calls to defund the fire brigade and check all the employees phones?

  3. It's less the question of what sort of people are being recruited than what has our country become. This sort of behaviour is everywhere, lowering standards in all walks of life.

  4. I can understand gallows humour, no matter how grim and tasteless, after all, pulling bodies out of wrecked cars is not the sort of thing people have to harden themselves to do. Gallows humour is a protection mechanism at the end of the day.

    But sharing over a public network? They deserve crucifixtion for sheer stupidity if nothing else.

    What is it about "soshul meeja" that seems to remove anything beyond the reptilian?

  5. I'm the guy who started the Boycott American Women blog, and i admit i was quite a woman hater but i went thru a spiritual awakening and now I'm trying to heal women instead of hurt them. Anyway if you wanna ask me questions or do an interview, just DM me on instagram at tantrahealermaster

  6. There is always a small subset of every group that do things that most of us wouldn't. I would guess these people get used to death and gore and this is a way of letting off steam.

    To be honest I'm much more pothered about people not doing their jobs, like Plod and Judges, than a few pervs being disrespectful to dead people.

  7. I heard similar stories forty years ago. If there had been mobile phones back then, the same would probably have happened. It's appalling for the victims families, but if you have to shovel the bits up, it's not suprising that your emotions are de-sensitized.

  8. It's just like the usual (assumed hilarious) practice of passing around copies of x-rays of 'humorous body-parts' (of ill and dying male patients) that is so common in hospitals everywhere ... Oh, but it's 'not' because that's wimminz doing that, right?

    Or, the 'jokes' celebrating the actions of a certain Bobbit female (and the like) ... oops, again not because wimminz (not just privately, amongst fellows dealing with the same, but openly, publicly, by all-and-sundry 'celebrities').

    At least this 'hearing only the one side/narrative as portrayed by the feminists' story (which I suspect will turn out to be anything 'but' thee 'crime' that being whined about) has some excuse/rationale (i.e. coping with the types of situations most people haven't the slightest idea how soul-destroying they are).

    I've worked such scenes and (amazingly) 'all' the women involved get to 'do more important stuff' whilst 'only' the men get to crawl about in gore, picking-up bits and parts of what-were people (like that section of skull, or a knee-cap 100 yards away from the rest of the body).

    That men 'do' cope by making 'what seems' unfeeling, empathy-free, disgusting jokes about such is a simple fact (although I suspect the 'real' crime is not doing it like wimminz do - by weeping, wailing, box-wine and ... making the men do it instead). But ... I suspect in reality, what we are seeing is (SSDD) some female who saw a chance for revenge/money/getting out of dirty work/promotion and is being enabled by all the other females in 'the job' and media (who did the same themselves at some point to get their 'earned' positions).

    [Hint: there 'are' such dreggs as would 'get-off' on such, but ... it isn't men who tolerate them. Given the option, most men would, and do, 'deal with' such perverts in a manner that would probably have them 'excited' if they saw a photo of the result ...if they were still able to do so].

    Nope, 'the story' always, but always turns out to be something/anything but that which it is first claimed to be, and is (again always, but purely coincidentally I'm sure /sarc) used for advantage for some feminist (failure).

  9. "It sounds like the type of thing they would do."

    No, I suspect they aren't...not the sort of job they tend to gravitate to.

    "Are there calls to defund the fire brigade and check all the employees phones?"

    Strangely, no. A puzzle indeed.

    "It's less the question of what sort of people are being recruited than what has our country become. This sort of behaviour is everywhere, lowering standards in all walks of life."

    Spot on!

    "They deserve crucifixtion for sheer stupidity if nothing else."


    "I would guess these people get used to death and gore and this is a way of letting off steam."

    And, as Mark points out, the issue here is that they seem to have ignored that sooner or later, they'd get caught. Don't you need intelligence in this job?

  10. " It's appalling for the victims families, but if you have to shovel the bits up, it's not suprising that your emotions are de-sensitized."

    Oh, almost certainly. But in these more caring days, shouldn't they have welfare checks to weed out this behaviour?

    "...something/anything but that which it is first claimed to be..."

    I really don't think this is anything but exactly what it appears to be.
