Friday 3 February 2023

When 'A Night On The Town' Goes Wrong...

A woman high on cocaine escaped from a police car while half-naked - triggering a huge manhunt. Roma Lawson then sunk her teeth into an officer after running through the streets of Margate without her trousers.

All that's missing is a 'Yaketty Sax' soundtrack... 

Lawson, who has 10 previous convictions, pleaded guilty to escaping from lawful custody and assaulting an emergency worker before trial.

Is the Pussy Pass in effect here, despite the woeful record? Reader, it is, of course... 

Handing down eight months’ custody suspended for a year-and-a-half, Judge Catherine Brown told Lawson: “Biting is… something someone completely out of control does.”
The judge told Lawson she was under the influence of cocaine when she attacked the officer in May last year but has since shown a “prospect of rehabilitation”.

Can I borrow your glasses, Judge? They must be really good... 

Lawson, of Central Parade, was ordered to complete 20 probation days and pay £100 compensation.


H/T: farmageddon via Twitter


  1. Wow, shouldn't have clicked through to the article. Have you seen the lips on it? You wouldn't notice she had no pants on, while you were trying to dodge the duck bill

  2. Can we say 'manhunt' any more...?

  3. The term "half naked" always has me wondering.
    Years ago I assumed that a person is either naked or not. Like being pregnant.
    You never hear of someone being ninety percent or ten percent naked. Always exactly fifty percent naked.
    I have never heard of anybody in a bikini or budgie smugglers being described as eighty or ninety percent naked.
    End of ramble.

  4. "Have you seen the lips on it?"

    It's a 'fashion' I've grown to loathe. Who on earth thinks this makes them look good? It's worse than covering your face with tattoos...🤮

    "Can we say 'manhunt' any more...?"

    No, Mark in Mayenne has an alternative!

    "The term "half naked" always has me wondering."

    It's curious, isn't it?
