Friday 24 February 2023

It Should Be A No-Brainer...

...but all it proves is this government is one of very, very little brain indeed:
Plans to cut the asylum backlog by sending questionnaires to refugees instead of conducting official interviews will demand that claimants reply in English within 20 working days or risk refusal, a leaked document shows.
The Home Office will on Thursday begin sending out copies of the 11-page document to about 12,000 people from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Libya, Syria and Yemen as part of Rishi Sunak’s plans to cut the “legacy backlog” of 92,000 asylum claims.
And who is to say the 'refugees' are going to be the ones to fill them in..?
The deadline has dismayed legal experts who say it places unreasonable demands on vulnerable people who will not be able to seek legal advice on time.

Do they mean the 'refugees'? Or the parasites who feed on these 'refugees' who won't be able to keep up with demand..? 

If the latter, I only have one thing to say: 


  1. Care 4 Calais are going to need shit load of biros

  2. A questionnaire is completely useless unless what is out into it is fact checked. A Pakistani can claim to be an Afghan, and an Albanian a Yemeni, and the numpties in power will just accept this?
    Who will be paying for the translators? Stupid question, as we will.
    If questionnaires are going to be the way forward, why doesn't Numpty Central drop them off in the camps in France, so they can be filled in there?

  3. "Care 4 Calais are going to need shit load of biros"


    "A questionnaire is completely useless unless what is out into it is fact checked."

    Indeed! This is a way of introducing an amnesty, isn't it?

  4. I'm sure the dinghy parasites won't be coached by #ShagsFromCalais at all.
