Thursday 23 February 2023

No Bull!

A helicopter with a shooter will fly over a portion of the vast Gila Wilderness in southwestern New Mexico next week, searching for feral cows to kill. US Forest Service managers approved the plan Thursday to protect sensitive spots in the nation's first designated wilderness area.
Naturally, the bunny huggers are aghast. And so are the cattle ranchers:
They said the action violates federal regulations and will be problematic when carcasses are left to rot.

Will it? Well... 

In 2022, a Forest Service contractor killed 65 cows in an aerial gunning operation similar to the one planned for next week.
A survey done 90 days later found that no carcasses remained. Scavenging birds and other animals consumed them, officials said.

There's your answer! 


  1. Unforeseeable objections.

    Back in the UK, we have our own culls of folk carrying white sticks (or anything resembling the barrel of a firearm} and these barely raise an eyebrow.

  2. The environmentalists are all ‘for’ this (even in the cited article).

    Hmm? So:

    - A few hundred cows is an environmental disaster destroying river banks for all time so must be shot on sight, but … thousands of Elk and Buffalo are ‘environmentally sensitive’ and thus all good and must be protected at all costs.

    - Cows are aggressively ‘attacking’ people (who attack and annoy them) but protecting, excusing and even reintroducing cougar, bear and wolf that actually do regularly attack and kill people is A-OK.

    - Ranchers who have lost cattle are actively prevented from rounding them up when they enter the parks*, unless an official round-up is organised, which the authorities point-bank refuse to allow, but they’re such a problem they need to be eradicated.

    Anyone else see the ‘inconsistencies’ and ‘agenda’ they reveal here?

    [* These aren’t ‘national parks’ as we British imagine them, pleasant/picturesque areas peppered with paths, beauty-spots and small villages, they are vast empty swathes of thousands/millions of square miles of rugged country, most of it either former ranch-land or farms that were seized, the owners made bankrupt or just forcibly removed (this happened to whole small communities and even towns), with no access and where even hiking is … discouraged].

    This isn’t anything to do with ‘protecting’ the environment*, it has everything to do with punishing/removing any rural population to make it the exclusive preserves of the rich elitist environmentalists. They cheerfully tell you they want all of us dead, so read about anything they applaud and demand accordingly.

    [*They did the same previously, preventing hunting of deer, the Indian practice of slash-and-burn farming, and clearance (not clear-cut)logging. The result? Thousands of deer starved to death due to overpopulation, and thousands of species were driven almost to extinction by the removal of their habitat, the cleared pastures caused by the farming, and all those wild-fires caused by the lack of dead-wood being regularly cleared. It’s almost like … they haven’t a clue what they’re doing, but do it anyway].

    So you and I will be confined to our 15 minute ghetto, eating bugs, whilst they visit their dachas in the pristine wilderness that used to be your home/town/farm/ranch. No wonder the environmentalists are showing their hypocrisy (protect every animal, but shoot any useful to mankind).

    I’ve walked the Gila (3 million plus acres) and for a hundred yards from every parking area it ‘is’ crowded, but away from that you literally wont see a soul (or a cow) for hundreds of miles. But when has reality ever been the basis for government or green agendas?

  3. Its a wildlife area
    Feral cows are wildlife. Isn't that what feral means.

    Cows are the white people of the animal kingdom.

  4. "Anyone else see the ‘inconsistencies’ and ‘agenda’ they reveal here?"

    All the time!

    "This isn’t anything to do with ‘protecting’ the environment*, it has everything to do with punishing/removing any rural population to make it the exclusive preserves of the rich elitist environmentalists."

    'Follow the money' has increasingly become 'follow the entitlement', hasn't it?

    "Cows are the white people of the animal kingdom."

