Thursday 23 February 2023

"Walker has no memory of the crash..."

Who needs him to, when we have dashcams..? 

In footage from a car in front of the accident, Walker can be seen on his bicycle when the rear wheel caught a car's front wing.

And maps?

MailOnline has discovered there is a cycling path that would have diverted him through a subway underneath, avoiding heavy traffic. The roundabout is said to be a notorious accident black spot.

I guess 'Feild Of Dreams' was wrong, if you build it, they won't come after all... 

Road safety experts have warned cyclists to use cycle lanes where possible and told road users to be more aware and on the 'lookout'.

For cyclists with a death wish? 


  1. Sounds like a Jeremy Vile clone.

  2. Depends where this under-pass / subway is? There might be ferals lurking.
    But it is a good excuse if you ever run into a vehicle in front of you.
    "The rear of the car in front of me caught my front bumper."
    Up there with
    "That tree just jumped out in front of me."

  3. Surely "the car's front wing caught the bicycle's rear wheel" would have been more accurate.

    "If you build it, keep it clear of broken glass etc and light it, they will come." Maybe that's a little closer to the truth as well.

    People need to remember that cyclists have as much right to use the roads as drivers. You could argue that they have more right, after all, drivers need a licence to give them permission.

    1. But they don't appear to have any responsibilities.

      Oh there are laws that nominally apply, but then the caste system is against the law in india.

      I see an idiotic, bad driver (which, of course I do all the time) I think "you carry on mate", knowing that he will soon be getting points and all that comes with it.

      I see an entitled child on a pushbike? The only justice that applies is poetic. But, alas, poetic justice, the results of which can be richly entertaining I will concede, rarely has the chastening effect required.

      But the general infantilization is probably a factor too.

      "I don't remember"

      Ah yes, pushbike alzheimer's: not possible to remember as the mechanism for retaining pertinent information - anything related to personal responsibility - simply isn't operating.

  4. Yeah Frank, we have a licence because we demonstrated a certain level of competence, unlike the lycra clad parasites and pedal-scum who seem to think themselves the lords of creation to whom all others must defer

  5. "Sounds like a Jeremy Vile clone."


    "People need to remember that cyclists have as much right to use the roads as drivers."

    But these days, as RtB points out, it seems they have rather more...

    "But they don't appear to have any responsibilities."

    Wait til you see the post going up at 10:30 tomorrow!
