Wednesday 8 February 2023

Not Helping To Keep Death Off The Roads, Judge...

“[The victim] was on her way to school in the morning as she got to the junction and needed to cross that road,” prosecutor Nicholas Jones said.
“She waited at the lights, the pedestrian lights turned to green and she, along with other pedestrians, crossed the road.
“She was struck by this defendant who had gone through a red light."
The coward then fled the scene, despite himself being a victim of a hit and run as a child.
Handing down 12-months custody suspended for two years...

Wait, what..?!? 

...Judge Simon James told Potts: “[You] collided with a 12-year-old girl, knocking her over and breaking her leg in two places.
“You claimed not to have seen the traffic light because the visor of your helmet steamed up.”
“You drove away from the scene. Although I accept your conscience got the better of you. You presented yourself to the police and made full and frank admissions.”
He told Potts he was prepared to give him a “last, final chance” and acknowledged he had since become a “productive citizen”.

Are we really that desperate for broadband installers? 


  1. What are you smoking, Julia? Don't you know that all cyclists, including motorcyclists, don't have to stop at red lights? They can exceed speed limits and block other traffic. They can cycle several abreast on country roads. Their privilege extends to always being the victim in an 'incident' ...

  2. Let’s hope that he gets pinched for something else within the next 12 months and that another court activates the suspended sentence.

  3. Once it was determined that a motorcyclist was involved, suprised that the Plod didn't turn up at the girl's hospital bed and charge her for obstructing the highway.

  4. The only times that I have ever been harassed by the police while going about my perfectly legal business was when I have been riding a motorcycle.

  5. If the girls' father borrows a motorcycle and "accidentally" hits the scum that hit his daughter...would he be let off?

    I would be tempted to pay the swine a visit, with my trust sledgehammer, and re-enact that scene from "Misery" :)

  6. "Their privilege extends to always being the victim in an 'incident' ..."

    Oh, indeed! Even when they plow straight into a stationary vehicle!

    "Let’s hope that he gets pinched for something else within the next 12 months..."

    I was rather hoping the next thing he hit would be something more solid and unforgiving.

    "Once it was determined that a motorcyclist was involved, suprised that the Plod didn't turn up at the girl's hospital bed and charge her for obstructing the highway."

    Please don't give them ideas!

    "...would he be let off?"

    If I was on the jury, he would.
