Thursday 9 February 2023

What The Hell Is Going On In Scotland?

A Scottish police officer is accused of horrendous sexual crimes against women and children:
Coulter denies all charges against him and has lodged a special defence, saying that between 6 and 21 September 2013 he was in England on a military police training course.
Wait, what? Surely this is a matter of record? Don't the police themselves know where he was? Don't they keep scrupulous records?
Defending Coulter, Ian Duguid KC asked a police officer who had been involved in the case if the child had been medically examined, but the officer said she did not know.
Oh. I guess not...I'll have to rewatch 'Taggart' with new eyes next time it's repeated.


  1. Wow! And that hasn't been thrown out by the judge?

  2. This is either deliberate lying or incompetence that would make the police of the most degenerate third world shitehole blush.

    It simply can be nothing else.

    Given that the basic role of the police seems to be spying on the populace looking for wrong think, that does sort of narrow it down a bit.

    It got to trial? Tsk tsk some little stormtrooper or other won't be getting their "overtime" signed off for a while

  3. "Wow! And that hasn't been thrown out by the judge?"

    I'd like to think 'not yet'. But then I remember it's Scotland...

    "This is either deliberate lying or incompetence that would make the police of the most degenerate third world shitehole blush."

    I'm leaning to option B...
