Thursday 16 February 2023

Self Inflicted Wounds...

If you’re writing a memoir, the moment of panic at your own specific revelations will come. Once it’s out there, there’s no withdrawing it.

Then why do it? Did someone hold a gun to your head?

Could a shared central resource exist? A set of agreed principles and harm-reduction guidelines? A directory of counsellors, therapists, helplines and specific support organisations – after all, each author’s needs will be as specific as their stories.

Why on earth should any of these things be needed so self-indulgent snowflakes can feel free to 'express themselves' in public? 



  1. If things keep going as they are, all those 'needs' will be within a 15 minute walk or bike ride

  2. Don’t give the daft c*w the oxygen of publicity, she’ll only bring out PartII.

  3. They will be rioting soon. JLM. Journalists lives matter

  4. Memoir?

    I'm so old I actually remember when memoirs were written at the very end of a lifetime of some actual notable achievement, not twenty-something nobodies spouting the literary equivalent of tweeting what they had for breakfast.

    I swear if one more woman reveals that the "strong independent" facade she hides behind was a mask to conceal the self-harm and multiple psychiatric issues ... (and you wonder why every institution and organisation where they are installed in positions of underserved power, because 'vagina', ... fails).

    Is there, literally, a single woman out there that 'isn't' a complete basket-case who should be locked up for her own, and our, safety?

    (See, the "Hot-Crazy Matrix" was accurate

  5. "If things keep going as they are, all those 'needs' will be within a 15 minute walk or bike ride"


    "Don’t give the daft c*w the oxygen of publicity, she’ll only bring out PartII."

    Good point!

    "I'm so old I actually remember when memoirs were written at the very end of a lifetime of some actual notable achievement..."

    Yup, me too!

    "People actually read it?"

    I know, astounding, isn't it? Maybe it came out in lockdown when there was an Andrex shortage.
