Friday 17 February 2023

This Sounds...Familiar!

Fly-tippers will be given on-the-spot community service and forced to clear up rubbish in their neighbourhoods if Labour win the next election.

I just can't quite put my finger on why...

Aha! *snaps fingers* 

Tony Blair provoked a mixture of scorn, anger and scepticism last night after he proposed on-the-spot fines for Saturday night hooligans - who could be marched to their cashpoints by police and forced to hand over up to £100.

I knew it would come to me eventually... 


  1. Almost by definition, fly-tipping happens out of sight so who will identify these naughty boys? Kneeler Starmer from his comfortable armchair in Islington? Plod won’t do it – Theresa May made sure of that by reducing numbers.

  2. Let me guess - this will apply to middle aged women feeding ducks, and working class men who drop a cigarette butt, while not applying to pikeys who fly tip lorry loads of crap in laybys.

  3. Can't do Community Service as being in the public view would be humiliating - human rights doncha know.
    Can't clear up rubbish as there are unions who are supposed to do that (but don't), leading to threats of strikes.
    Risk assessments will have to be done to ensure no one is out into dangerous situations.
    Third party insurance will have to be sorted out in case Wayne, Dwayne, or Shame sticks a sharp object in their foot and she's the Council for thousands.
    So, it's all too much trouble, and we may as well get used to living in shit, apart from areas of accommodation for main and local politicians.

  4. " who will identify these naughty boys?"

    I think Sobers has the inevitable outcome sewn up!

    "So, it's all too much trouble, and we may as well get used to living in shit, apart from areas of accommodation for main and local politicians."

    Well, we've had years of practice...
