Saturday 25 March 2023

Gosh, How Primitive And Sexist They Were In The Old Days...

...and what funny ideas they had about women's ability to cope with adversity! 



  1. I guess that there is a 'normal' suicide rate in any occupation. Whether the recent, intensely publicised case is statistically abnormal, I don't know. I feel distaste towards the Reading Head Teachers who have exploited Ruth Perry's death so clumsily. Best if you, Julia, left that noxious game to the teaching professionals.

  2. Being great mind readers and conclusion-jumpers, women make the best spies. Cheap to equip because most of them are fitted out by Nature for the job and you cannot even begin to guess what they are thinking.

  3. "I guess that there is a 'normal' suicide rate in any occupation."

    Probably, but why do 'journalists' never point this out?

    "...and you cannot even begin to guess what they are thinking."

    Not always. Sometimes we make it rather easy... 😉
