Wednesday 26 April 2023

'I can see it in all your faces, you like this stuff. You like it. You're supporting this.'

Perhaps we need a monument to The Unknown Workman alongside the Cenotaph, because he speaks for us all...
Earlier the force had warned that protesters had moved from Pall Mall to Piccadilly in Westminster where they stopped on the road.
It said: 'The Met is aware of a number of protesters slow walking on the roads. Officers are on scene and attempting to engage. We are carefully monitoring for any disruption and will take action as necessary.'

 Note, they didn't say against whom....

It was part of a number of demonstrations by Just Stop Oil during rush hour yesterday morning, which culminated in a joint march by the group and Extinction Rebellion from Westminster to London headquarters of Shell in Waterloo in the afternoon.
It was the last of four days of protest by XR supporters, but the first day of an 'indefinite campaign' by Just Stop Oil calling for an end to new UK oil and gas projects. The group has called for people to join the slow marches every weekday at 7am and midday on Saturdays.

If the Home Secretary doesn't get the senior officers of the Met Police in for an interview without coffee and get them to start taking proper action, someone is going to be seriously hurt or even killed by someone who has been pushed to the limit by these people, and it'll be entirely on her head...  


  1. London is some distance from me, but I could make it, would be tempted to walk in front of them with a placard reading,
    "These people are wearing clothes,
    the manufacture of which, requires
    Hypocrites or Morons?"
    There are few things worse than ridicule when dealing with fanatics.

  2. I forgot to add that I understand the leader of XR is in hospital after an accident (oh, shame, poor lamb). Shirley he would agree that all that nasty electricity around his bed be switched off, or does that only apply to others?
    Hypocrite or Moron?

  3. Make it legal for someone to drive straight into these drongos at 100 mph?

    I don't think they'd need to do it more than once.

  4. "There are few things worse than ridicule when dealing with fanatics."

    Well, there's tar. And feathers.

    "I forgot to add that I understand the leader of XR is in hospital after an accident (oh, shame, poor lamb)."

    And providing comedy gold on Twitter when his NHS 'vegan meal' turned out to be boiled potatoes and carrots 🤣

    "Make it legal for someone to drive straight into these drongos at 100 mph?

    I don't think they'd need to do it more than once."

    I don't know, they don't look like quick learners to me...
