Wednesday 26 April 2023

Respect? You Don't Know The Meaning Of The Word...

Mr Dunn junior was arrested on suspicion of being the owner of a dog dangerously out of control at 5.50pm that day and told officers: 'My mum's just died, you have no respect.'

She didn't drop down dead of a heart attack, she was mauled to death by one of your dogs..! 

When interviewed he provided a prepared statement in which he denied breeding dogs or having a website advertising dog breeding.

Oh, really? And did the police just accept that? Maybe HMRC should be looking into him instead, at least they seem to have some teeth...

He said all dogs were chipped and registered but refused to provide chip details, the inquest was told.

Well, surely a vet could provide that by scanning the bodies? 

He agreed to sign over the five adult bulldogs to police and they were euthanised, Mr Rebello said.

Anyone else might say 'getting rid of the evidence', eh, Reader..? 

Following advice from the Crown Prosecution Service, no further action was taken against Mr Dunn Junior.

Would that be because it would have raised too many questions about their lack of action over a previous incident, perhaps? 

Mr Rebello recorded a narrative verdict into her death, telling the inquest he did not consider it an accident or misadventure. He added: 'These are very, very powerful animals and the amount of damage caused to Ann is so significant I can't even begin to describe it in court.
'Hopefully people will be aware that dogs of this size are probably not best kept in this number in a domestic setting.'
He said it was not against the law, but 'not everything has to be against the law to be unwise'.

Perhaps it's time it was against the law? 

Following her death, Mrs Dunn's family described her as a 'one in a million mum'.

If only her shitstain of a son was too, but there seems to be a lot more of them walking the streets and breathing the air... 

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