Thursday 27 April 2023

Let The Coronation Fever Begin!

And the hastily-reworked packaging for the same old stuff is hitting the shops right now, so get out and BUY, BUY, BUY!

Bet they put the price up too. Designers don't work for free...

Update: It seems reader Ian J has found the tackiest thing yet made to celebrate the coronation:

It's not just my lack of enthusiasm for chocolate that makes me feel a little queasy...


  1. It’s an interesting juggling act; once the big day is over and normal labelling is resumed, it’s going to be easy to spot (and reject) the older food products on the shelves. I predict that a lot of cut-price stickers will be needed,

    One of the oddest tie-ins has to be the many stores (Sainsbury’s included) selling coronation pyjamas for the whole family - I suppose, with the service beginning at 11am, it would be a big ask these days for everyone to be dressed in time to watch the coverage. I wonder how this would have looked to my great-aunts, who always insisted on everyone in the room standing smartly to attention whenever the national anthem was played during a radio or television programme.

  2. I've heard of chocolate soldiers, so I suppose a chocolate king is appropriate.

  3. "I predict that a lot of cut-price stickers will be needed,"

    Heh! Though I love a yellow sticker, think I'll pass on a lot of these...

    "I've heard of chocolate soldiers, so I suppose a chocolate king is appropriate."

