Tuesday 25 July 2023

"Admit It, You're Not Here For The Football, Are You?"

The BBC has been made to apologise after a reporter asked a player at the Women's World Cup an 'inappropriate' question about homosexuality at a press conference.
The journalist, who reportedly works for the BBC World Service, asked national team captain Ghizlane Chebbak on Sunday: 'We know that gay marriage is illegal [in Morocco]. Are there any gay players in the team? And what is it like for them?'

Now, yes, the 'endangerment' issue is undoubtedly the factor people are homing in on, but why is no-one asking why a journalist there to report on a sport isn't asking about the offside rule or whether she'll use the 4-3-3 formation instead


  1. The Meissen Bison25 July 2023 at 09:27

    No, the reporter isn't there for the football and appears to believe that the players are there to savour the Moroccan rugs

  2. Have to feel sorry for the BBC. They are stuck between supporting Islam and the LGBT community at the same time. Try and square that circle.

  3. "Have to feel sorry for the BBC."


  4. Is there any chance that in this single issue the Islamists are right?

  5. Call me contrary but …

    Do you know anyone who actually cares, let alone watches or supports “womens football” … ‘other than’ other activist lesbians?

    It, in its entirety, is a ‘political movement’ based on being parasites on mens football so that a bunch of butch lesbians can pretend they are as good as men (just like >99% of the rest of womens sports), and equally as a vehicle so they can present their personal perversions as fashionable and mainstream.

    So? Is it really so unacceptable to ask a pertinent political question to those whose entire existence is … political and entirely based on proselytising their perversion?

    I ‘do’ find the “endangerment” claims particularly ‘amusing’ though. Here we have a bunch of activist parasites who, literally, will do anything, including ignore the very thing they claim to be against the most ‘and’ travel specifically to a country where that thing is worst, as long as they get paid enough. Hypocrites much?

    Let’s all be honest, the real ‘crime’ here was that of exposing their typical mercenary hypocrisy.

    In the real world, no-one gives a damn what some failed team of freaks (that can’t even beat an average under 14 boys team, or a bunch of male pensioners) thought about …. well anything (let alone the offside rule).

  6. I spotted this from that awful television propaganda organisation mentioned above.


    Nuff said.

  7. Tell me, are there any non morons working for the BBC, and what is it like for them? "

  8. It just rolls on and on. It appears that the BBC have apologised for the inappropriate question.


  9. "...and appears to believe that the players are there to savour the Moroccan rugs"

    OOOh, I see what you did there!😂

    "Have to feel sorry for the BBC. "

    Strangely....I don't! Not does John Tee.

    "Is there any chance that in this single issue the Islamists are right?"

    I'd usually say 'none', but...

    "Call me contrary but …

    Do you know anyone who actually cares, let alone watches or supports “womens football” … ‘other than’ other activist lesbians?"

    I did watch the cup final, but mostly due to the hype. I'm no great devotee of football, women's OR men's flavours.

    "Tell me, are there any non morons working for the BBC, and what is it like for them? ""


    "Load of bollocks (or not)!"

    These days, who can be sure?!?
