Monday 24 July 2023

Unfortunately, It's Not Going To Be One In Eritrea, Is It?

An Eritrean former child soldier who stabbed a stranger to death in a 'ferocious' knife attack in London's Oxford Street will be held in a secure psychiatric hospital indefinitely.
Of course not, Reader. Perish the thought!
The court was told Eritrean-born Fanta, who arrived in Britain in 2014, had convictions for criminal damage and assaulting a police officer and emergency worker and was on bail at the time of the killing.
He had been arrested on June 18 2021 for 'brandishing a saw' in Swansea and then bailed to appear at Swansea Magistrates' Court, the trial of facts heard.

And no-one ever said, at any point, 'Wait a minute, why are we pussyfooting around with this creature? Why aren't we shipping him back to Eritrea?'  

Judge Michael Topolski KC handed Fanta a hospital order without limit of time. He said Fanta had made seven court appearances in the past and been sectioned in 2020, adding: 'This defendant slipped through the system unnoticed, uncared for, untreated and very dangerous.'

He didn't 'slip through the system', though, did he? He swam through it like a fish swims through water. In his case, a shark.  

Detective Chief Inspector Geoff Grogan said: 'My heart goes out to Stephen's family, especially his mother, who lost him in such terrible circumstances.
'While I know there is precious little comfort in the wake of this awful story, I hope they will take solace knowing that people tried to help Stephen when he so needed it. Those two brave members of the public should know how greatly their actions were and are appreciated by Stephen's family.'

What a pity that those tasked with the protection of society didn't show as much work ethic... 

'The judge formally recognised their actions, and two other member of the public, with commendations for their bravery.
'I would also like to thank my team of detectives, who were absolutely determined to obtain Stephen's family justice.'

Do you think they managed it, then? 


  1. As I understand it, avoiding military service is a serious crime in Eritrea. Surely a suitable bribe-----oops gift of foreign aid to the appropriate Eritrean bureaucrats will make sure he's accepted back into that country for execution?

  2. "Surely a suitable bribe-----oops gift of foreign aid to the appropriate Eritrean bureaucrats will make sure he's accepted back into that country for execution?"

    If only! We obviously prefer to let them have their wars on our streets instead...
