Thursday 20 July 2023

But Don't They Already, Ben-Julian?

Admittedly it's usually down to sloth and indifference, but I don't think the crime victims care what the reason is...
Ben-Julian Harrington, who heads Essex Police, fears scores of officers are leaving the profession because they can't afford to pay their rent and household bills.
He said many officers are taking on second jobs to make ends meet or leaving forces to become scaffolders, taxi or train drivers because it pays better.
'We won't keep cutting crime if PCs can't afford to be cops,' he warned yesterday.

I don't think you are cutting crime, are you? 


  1. I wonder if there are any other reasons for police leaving? Like being expected to support Chief Constables' woke agendas? Or having to drive around in rainbow coloured cars?

  2. And no chance of promotion through the ranks because of duration of loyal service instead of having a university degree in some woke topic and being of wrong demographic.
    And having to wear silly baseball caps.
    And, no doubt, even their own family believing that the whole Police and Justice system is not serving the ordinary populice.

  3. Either become effective at cutting crime and provide a meaningful service or take a pay cut...or do one, Mr Plod.

  4. I wonder if there are any other reasons for police leaving?""

    Trouble is, it's the ones we want to stay that are those leaving!

    "And no chance of promotion through the ranks because of duration of loyal service instead of having a university degree in some woke topic and being of wrong demographic."

    That's not proved a resounding success, has it?

    "Either become effective at cutting crime and provide a meaningful service or take a pay cut...or do one, Mr Plod."

    We're in agreement there, MTG...
