Tuesday 26 April 2016

"It's OK, They Were Just Incompetent, Not Corrupt!"

Mr Alston said: "Councillor Bass was subject to prolonged and significant nuisance phone calls and correspondence to his family home and, for understandable reasons, he brought this to the attention of Essex Police.
"Following your complaint about your arrest and the search of your home, the Essex Police professional standards department investigated the matter, and found the search of your house was unlawful.
"It has now been made clear to me by the Essex Police legal team that the grounds used for arresting you 'do not withstand scrutiny'.
"In short, the view of the force solicitor is that your arrest was unlawful.
"I share the Essex Police judgement that the mistakes made were the result of lack of officer knowledge and supervision.
"I do not believe these mistakes were the result of undue influence having been applied."
Right. It's just pure coincidence that Essex Farce happens to be incompetent in just this way, eh?

Want to buy this, Mr Alston? It'd look good over the Thames Estuary...
"It is essential Essex Police learns from their errors, and I have been informed management action has been taken against the key officers and supervisors involved."
Essex Police, learn from their errors?

The former Met Police officer has suggested he may pursue a further compensation claim against Essex Police following the unlawful arrest admission.
*orders large bag of popcorn*


Antisthenes said...

It is a little known fact that, it must be little known as so many people admire our dysfunctional public sector bodies(and that is all of them), and I quote "a bureaucratic organization is an organization that cannot correct its behaviour by learning from its errors.” Right thinking (naturally right leaning) economists have observed this fact for some considerable time.

It is no good saying that some public bodies are not bureaucratic they are because a public body is a virtual monopoly that is not for profit so has to be bureaucratic in structure to function there is no other means to ensure effort is applied to doing what it is designed to do. The fact that the bureaucrats have no incentive to do their job properly either as neither their reward or punishment alters whatever they do makes it much worse.

JM has noticed this phenomena as day in and day out she reports on the mistakes our public bodies make. A close examination will show that many are only the same mistakes being repeated and quite often ones that we have been assured they have learnt from. Patently they have not. So ergo my quote above is proven.

Lord T said...

They will just throw him some of our cash and it'll be rolled under the carpet.

This will only stop when these people are arrested and jailed or lose their jobs for these unlawful activities. until then it will just continue.

MTG said...

A long awaited verdict finally vindicates Liverpool and quantifies the uphill struggle besetting any civilian(s) determined to expose evil collusion on the part of police.

It would be a vain hope to imagine every innocent individual, who had been wrongly labelled and accused by plodrogues, concluding with rightful exoneration. Civilians must in lieu of perfection, derive a tad of comfort from the knowledge that 'lessons will be learned' by our uniformed shameless; albeit any sense of disgrace is always reserved to men of sound mind, integrity and conscience.

Anonymous said...

It was determined that there would be continuous enquiries into this disaster until the 'right' conclusion was produced. That there were failings on many sides, especially the lying and hiding of evidence by the Police (and I write as a retired Police officer), perhaps the questions put to the jury to answer should have included, "Did the late arrival of the train carrying Liverpool supporters, causing many of them to arrive after the start of the match, contribute to the crowding at the locked gates?" plus, "Did the fact that a large number of supporters of both teams had spent time in local pubs before going to the ground affect the general demeanour of those demanding entry?" and Don't forget, "Did the obstruction of ambulance crews and paramedics trying to get to the injured by belligerent Liverpool supporters increase the death toll?"
Irrespective of the result and what is to follow, I personally found it distasteful to see the crowd singing that song from 'The King and I'. I have a sneaking suspicion that they will continue to be traumatised right up until the compensation cheque clears.

MTG said...

'I have a sneaking suspicion that they will continue to be traumatised right up until the compensation cheque clears.'

'Anonymous' above (one of those plod who stand around doing nothing?) speaks with the unquestionable authority of a public service work dodger, immersed up to his third chin in the compensation culture. Yet Penise spurns the opportunity to remind us of the most demonic actions of Liverpool supporters 'spitting and urinating on the bodies of the deceased.'

JuliaM said...

"A close examination will show that many are only the same mistakes being repeated and quite often ones that we have been assured they have learnt from. "

I never assume that any more.

"This will only stop when these people are arrested and jailed or lose their jobs.."

Or treated by all citizens as the outlaws and pariahs they are.

"...the uphill struggle besetting any civilian(s) determined to expose evil collusion on the part of police. "

Any 'evil collusion' happened AFTER the event. The cops on the day were attempting to prevent loss of life. Not their fault people act like animals over a game of thugball.

" I have a sneaking suspicion that they will continue to be traumatised right up until the compensation cheque clears."

Spot on!