Saturday 16 April 2016

Looks Like The Democrats Have Lost Control Of Their Creation..

Steven Thrasher confides in the CiF reader:
I’ll admit it: I’m prejudiced.
Whenever I see a conflict between a gutsy protester who is trying to show how black lives matter by interrupting a powerful white politician who has a microphone, I’m always going to be rooting for the protester.
Well, I.... I never would have guessed! You hide it so well.
“Can I answer?” He asked the screaming crowd. “Here’s the thing, I like protesters. But the ones who won’t let you answer are afraid of the truth.”
Good for Bill! And who'd ever have thought I'd say that?
He bragged about adding police to the streets, making a case not for black liberation but for increased black surveillance, and he actually equated the Black Lives Matter activists to obstructionist Republicans in Congress.
That....that monster!
Then, he went nuclear: “I’ll tell you another story about a place where black lives matter: Africa,” before telling a charming tale about his white wife’s good deeds for dark-skinned folks. (Subtext: if y’all Negroes don’t like it here, go back to where you came from – and wait for Hillary to save you there if you’re lucky.)
It's amazing how you can spot the hidden racism in everything, Steven. It's a gift.
He was also happy to throw black people from the 1990s under the bus: “I don’t know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids hopped up on crack and sent them out into the street to murder other African American children. Maybe you thought they were good citizens – she didn’t.” This goes to the heart of the concerns of the Black Lives Matter movement, which ignited with the death of Mike Brown – “no angel” to the New York Times, but beloved by a new generation who see beyond the racist spin.
Yup. Loathing the people that prey on their own kind is so bourgeois, isn't it? In such enlightened times, championing the right for your fellows to sell drugs to your kids unmolested by the law is key to success for your movement, clearly.
Black Lives Matter is not interested in a world where black children must be made “to heel” and where fear-mongering is achieved by mentioning the racist trope of “13-year-old kids hopped up on crack”.
Yeah! Your people deserve to act like animals and never be called on it by .... well, anyone! Even America's 'first black President'.
To me, this movement demands a reimagining of American society – thinking not in terms of how to punish a black child in a gang, but of how to undo what has kept black people from having equal access to education, employment, wealth and opportunity in the first place, so that our families and communities aren’t destroyed and so we don’t literally lead shorter lives.
Who knew that the modern day US was like 1960s South Africa? Well, Steven knew. Obviously.
All hail the protesters, who keep forcing the conversation with cowards who’d be happy to get back into the White House without wrestling with the ongoing scourge of structural racism.
Wait, has this overtaken 'institutional racism' now?


Clarissa said...

Is it possible that members of the black community over in the colonies are finally starting to realise that the Democrats don't give a damn about them beyond who they vote for?

Nice Mr Pierrepoint said...

Structural racism is the American term, institutional racism the British term, as popularised by the Macpherson Report in distracting from the evidence of corruption among the Eltham CID.

Antisthenes said...

Implementing what these so called progressive liberals (they are not progressive or liberal, they give both a dirty name)suggested nay demanded ended up exacerbating the black destitution and lack of opportunity problems.

It can be noted that where the black people do worst is in areas where these progressives(Democrats) are in control. Like all left wing policies and practices they end up harming those they are purporting to help.

Andy said...

I hear that researchers at the University of the Outskirts of Kinshasa have developed an immortality pill. Unfortunately it works on all people. They refuse to make the formula public until they develop a treatment which only works for those who's lives matter.

Greencoat said...

I really worry about the growth of institutionalised-structural-existentialist-thermonuclear racism.

staybryte said...

WTF is this: "undo what has kept black people from having equal access to education" tripe? Has he never heard of Brown vs Board of Education? Is he seriously suggesting that blacks are prevented from going to school?

PJH said...

“Even America's 'first black President'.”

Isn't he half white? Enquiring minds etc.

“One drop rule” and all that...

Anonymous said...

I notice that very little newsrooms, if any, has been given to the group that attended a "Black Lives Matter" rally with placards reading, "ALL Lives Matter", and were threatened, assaulted, and forcibly ejected. No racism there, then!

Anonymous said...
Read it! It's a lovely story, especially his rap sheet.

JuliaM said...

"Is it possible that members of the black community over in the colonies are finally starting to realise that the Democrats don't give a damn about them beyond who they vote for?"

I'd hope so, though I doubt it's in enough numbers to count...

"Structural racism is the American term..."

Coming over here, adding to our language...

"Is he seriously suggesting that blacks are prevented from going to school?"

Maybe they are. But I don't think it's by who he thinks it is...

"Read it! It's a lovely story, especially his rap sheet."

Good grief!