Tuesday 18 July 2023

Cheer Up, Love...

A PC is facing the sack after crashing an unmarked police car after taking her dog to the vet.
Traffic officer Anja Macleod, who joined the force in 2004, lied to her sergeant that she was looking for a disqualified driver, it is claimed.
...it's not, after all, the worst police/dog/car interface story in the world. Or even in Wales...


  1. Didn't one of your Taffy relatives have an accident in a police car with a sheep, Jaded?

  2. The dog was named Guinness. Does that mean it was black with a white head, or was it simply pint-sized?

  3. Silly silly girl. It's always the cover-up that makes it worse.

  4. As well as the lies, why isn't she being prosecuted for careless/dangerous driving? As a traffic officer, she should be reporting herself.

  5. "Does that mean it was black with a white head, or was it simply pint-sized?"


    "Silly silly girl. It's always the cover-up that makes it worse."

    A lesson that, like others, they seem incapable of learning...

    "As well as the lies, why isn't she being prosecuted for careless/dangerous driving?"

    Good question!
