Monday 17 July 2023

Well, That Won't Help Them Fit In To Essex...

It's like that old joke about being stopped at the door of a nightclub by a bouncer who asks menacingly 'Have you got any weapons?' and when you say 'No!' he produces a flick-knife and says 'Here! Better take this then...'
A two-day hearing at the High Court in London began on Wednesday - just as the first 47 migrants were taken to Wethersfield.
All single men, they arrived in Britain by small boat from northern France last weekend.
Wethersfield offers an on-site GP surgery, a dining hall with meals three times a day, a multi-faith centre and recreation facilities including an indoor basketball court and a gym. Migrants will be offered a programme of activities - likely to include running clubs and art lessons - in a bid to keep them occupied on the site.
But they are free to come and go from the base.

The Tories are doomed. Aren't they? 


  1. Of course the Tories are doomed. However, don't kid yourself (I'm sure you don't) that the forseeable alternatives wouldn't have done exactly the same. At least Labour and the LibDems make no secret of their intentions to ruin this country or, at least, the indigenous inhabitants of this country, whereas the Tories (in power I understand) just sit on their hands.

  2. Won't be able to get them out if the Wethersfield Camp goes ahead with plans for a boating lake, Gaiety theatre, open air swimming pool and entertainments to include talent and beauty contests.

  3. How to set up your own Turkish barber shop would be popular.

  4. When the war monger Blair, and his coterie, lied about weapons of mass destruction being only hours from British air space, Gaddafi warned the West what would happen if he was deposed. And the result is as he predicted, though of course, he could not foresee the (alleged) suicide of David Kelly. Uncontrolled illegal arrivals of young, military age, Muslim men, often aided by the French navy, UK Border Farce, and the RNLI, with an impotent government not having a clue how to stop them, or themselves following orders, is that result. The unconditional surrender in Afghanistan, and the Albanian mafia taking advantage of the situation, being additional problems facing the citizens of this country. I doubt that Blair, or the 350 people in the Blair Foundation, is too worried about what is happening, as it all seems to fit in with the aims of his masters in the WEF and Bilderberg group. Their plan of destroying this country from within, to build back better, just as they are doing in Europe, seems to be going well. Anyone who has read of the aims of the Frankfurt School of Marxism won't have to go far to realise how many of their proposals have been accepted as part of our culture, or even enshrined into law.
    I am coming to the end of my life, so I doubt that I will be affected too much, but it is the future of my children, grandchildren, and those who come after, that I worry about. Solutions, anyone?

  5. Yes, the Tories are doomed and thanks to their Blairism we will be left with no viable alternative.

  6. Yes, the Tories are doomed, but this would happen no matter who you vote for because you can't vote out "The Blob" and until we get a future government that has the destruction of The Blob as a manifesto commitment, we ain't gonna unleash ourselves from their tyranny.

  7. " However, don't kid yourself (I'm sure you don't) that the forseeable alternatives wouldn't have done exactly the same."

    Oh, I definitely don't! The vested interests are still driving this Green bus. And telling lies left right and centre.

    "Won't be able to get them out if the Wethersfield Camp goes ahead..."


    "How to set up your own Turkish barber shop would be popular."

    Yes, there's FOUR of these in a tiny area locally. What gives?

    "Solutions, anyone?"

    Final ones, I hope.

    "Yes, the Tories are doomed and thanks to their Blairism we will be left with no viable alternative."

    We live in interesting times...

    "...until we get a future government that has the destruction of The Blob as a manifesto commitment..."

    Like Trump's? Look what happened to that..
