Saturday 26 August 2023

Remember, Folks, The NHS Is Desperately Short Of Funds...

Swansea Bay University Health Board say their new Trans and Gender Diverse service will support transgender and gender diverse people with voice and communication skills.
A dedicated speech and language therapist (SLT) will teach them about voice care and explore different aspects of communication associated with gender.

Funny, I wonder how this sort of service is somehow immune from economic factors?  

Rebekah Gabbitas, the service’s speech and language therapist, said: “SLT services have always offered services to transgender and gender diverse people.
“Those referrals were previously few and far between but since the Welsh Gender Service was set up we have been receiving lots more.

Well, of course you have, since the madness is spreading daily

“Gender affirming services support people who feel there is a physical incongruence between their physical appearance and their gender, but that can be in their speech and their voice too.
“It can be very distressing for somebody – even hearing their voice, because it doesn’t match who they are or their sense of self.”

Well, of course it doesn't. It never can, can it? No matter how much those in authority collude to try to make everyone else believe they are the ones in the wrong for not going along with the insanity... 

“It can also mean that other people will misread their gender causing embarrassment and distress. Unfortunately, gender diverse people regularly experience transphobia, which can manifest as harassment and violent attacks.
“You can see how that has very important impacts on their participation in society as it can result in a lack of confidence to speak.”

But they aren't 'misreading their gender', are they, Rebekah? They are correctly reading their sex, which is the real issue.  

H/TBinky via Twitter


  1. Robert the Biker26 August 2023 at 20:20

    "I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said Lola"
