Saturday 26 August 2023

Welcome To Upside Down Land..., not Australia! The 'Guardian', where antisocial nuisances are 'vulnerable people'.

And efforts to curb their effect on ordinary people going about their lives are to be fought against, not  welcomed.

These wide-ranging measures have so far been used to criminalise everyone from rough sleepers to buskers and cyclists. Southend-on-Sea, for example, has banned people from “using bikes in a way that has a negative effect for others”.

As someone who has almost been run down a few times by speeding bikes in Southend High St, and helped pick up an elderly lady who wasn't so lucky, can I say 'Well done, Southend Council, well done!' 

...the plan is unmistakably rooted in policies cooked up under New Labour. In the decade after 1997, the perceived scourge of antisocial behaviour was a staple of political discourse and regularly made headlines. Tony Blair’s government broadly defined antisocial behaviour as that which causes nuisance, harassment, annoyance, alarm or distress and introduced several measures to manage it.

So anti-social behaviour is only a 'perceived scourge' in the tiny mind of this stupid woman? It's not a real scourge, that blights the lives of those who have to live with it?

'Nuisance, harassment, alarm and distress' are just things people should learn to live with? Seems like a funny thing for an airhead more used to writing about dating apps or the importance of getting a good night's sleep to hang her hat on...

In attempting to “out-punitive” one another, Labour and the Conservatives are using law and order rhetoric as a convenient distraction from the actual problems people are facing. Instead of stamping out “greedflation” – which has seen corporations use the cost of living crisis to push up their profits – the government is seemingly more concerned with, for example, banning the use of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas.

That's the 'greedflation' that isn't actually happening? And the laughing gas that's proving a danger and a nuisance to cleaning crews?

Sounds like it's no laughing matter, Daisy.

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