Monday 11 September 2023

Has The Penny Finally Dropped?

Home Secretary Suella Braverman is now pushing for a ban of the American XL Bully breed, arguing they are a 'clear and lethal danger' - particularly to children.

What took you so long? 

On Sunday West Midlands Police launched an investigation into what went wrong.

Oh, this'll be good! 

A force spokesman said: 'We're investigating after three people were bitten by a dog in Birmingham yesterday.
'An 11-year-old girl ran past the dog as it was being walked by its owner in Bordesley Green, when she was bitten.
'Two men intervened but were bitten and left with injuries to their shoulders and arms.
'They were taken to hospital to be treated for their injuries.

And you turned up and shot the animal and arrested the owner, right? 


'The dog was initially taken to a local vet to be checked over before being taken into secure kennels while the investigation continues.
'The owner of the dog has been spoken to by officers.'

I think we can clearly see what went wrong - the WMP aren't fit for purpose.  


  1. Neither the American Kennel Club nor the Royal Kennel Club recognises “American XL Bully” as a breed. There is no point in outlawing something that does not exist. If further proof is needed, look at the policing inertia caused by the present legislation.

    To manage the problems posed by these dogs there needs to be comprehensive registration, regulation and control of ALL dogs. Any dog weighing more that 15lbs in a public place should be muzzled and kept on a short lead. Any dog not being kept in compliance with the registration an controlled regulations should be euthanised with no exception. Exert registered owner of an offending dog should be banned for life from keeping a dog in addition to punishment.

    I’m open to suggestions as to the defining weight for dogs but it seems to me that weight is a simple measure that even dim plod could work with.

  2. A couple of amenedments to you plan SGT.
    All dogs to be keot on short leads, extendable ones to be banned.
    Euthanise the owner as well as the dog.

  3. Weight varies with age and can be manipulated somewhat by diet and exercise. Or so I have heard. :) No experience of that.

    I'm fed up with everything being registered and licensed by the Stasi and they can fuck off with another tax scheme as far as I am concerned.

    What needs to happen, and not just with dogs, you have a dog and it hurts someone seriously it gets terminated, no exceptions and the owner is punished, fined and.or jail time depending on severity and history.

  4. Oh my, what a typically modern 'police' response (has the same collectivist, draconian, authoritarian legislation on firearms and knives worked out as you expected?).

    Hint: Maybe, just maybe, punishing 'those who commit a crime' instead of blanket banning of 'X' would work better? [When I get a Trojan unit turn up because I pull out my SAK to open my sandwiches, and the 'ethnic' walking by with a 'cultural' machete gets ignored the 'narrative' and intent of 'you lot' becomes quite clear, believe me. Both 'are' "knives" but, amazing as it may seem, I haven't attacked or stabbed anyone with it ... ever, nor would I, so why target people like me?].

    I get it, 'You' don't like dogs (or anything bigger than 'your' little pet right - I noticed the arbitrary 15lb limit, does pooch weigh 14lb?) and so ... nobody should be 'allowed' to have one (because 'some', already criminal in every other way, elements misuse them).

    Yes, these 'breeds' are specifically 'manufactured' and bred (hint: by already known criminal elements) as 'weapons'. Maybe (if you stopped targetting 'praying' or 'mean farcebook posts') arresting 'the criminals' would limit the spread, and/or dealing with (shooting) the weapons-dogs that maul innocents instead of pampering them (or is that too much like, actual work?).

    I 'used to' respect and admire the police (even dated a few WPC's in my youth) but now (don't make me laugh, the only people I trust 'less' than the police are politicians and ... senior police) ... you 'are' the problem [Hint: Julia isn't attacking 'the dogs' in these posts you know - she's, 'rightly' pointing out 'your' inept, lazy corruption].

  5. The purpose of my idea for weight to be the determining factor is that when big dogs bite they do a lot of damage, little dogs are not going to kill children or the elderly.

    It turns out that the offending dog in Birmingham was actually a Staffordshire bull terrier cross-breed so poor Suella’s idea isn’t going to work.

  6. "There is no point in outlawing something that does not exist."

    It can be defined, and will need to be. It should ALREADY be covered under the 'pit bull type' restriction (since that's what it is), if only the numpties in the Home Office and DEFRA got together and did the necessary work.

    "Any dog weighing more that 15lbs in a public place should be muzzled and kept on a short lead. "

    That's fine for the 'in public exercise' of these things, so long as it's enforced, but the beasts that killed Ian Price escaped from the property. So would not have been muzzled.

    "Euthanise the owner as well as the dog."

    There's something very wrong with anyone who looks at one of these breeds and say 'Yes! That's the pet for me!'...

    "Hint: Maybe, just maybe, punishing 'those who commit a crime' instead of blanket banning of 'X' would work better?"

    I'd normally agree. But there's footage of the beasts killing Ian Price (a grown man) on the social media channels. It's the worst thing I've ever seen, his neighbours completely unable to assist him...

    So getting these things out of our society is a must.

    "It turns out that the offending dog in Birmingham was actually a Staffordshire bull terrier cross-breed ..."

    So, another dog that would have fallen under the 'pit bull type' description in the DDA?

  7. You could alter your gun laws to allow people to carry a loaded shotgun in dog infested places.

    Yeah. I know that's not going to happen, is it?
