Friday 22 September 2023

Probably Not A Shaggy Dog Story...

...indeed, it's a very familiar part of these incidents:
A neighbour who took shocking footage of a dog walker being attacked by a bull mastiff has claimed he had repeatedly complained to police about the animal. Meeran Hassan's CCTV camera picked up the sickening attack in Handsworth Road in Sheffield, South Yorkshire on Tuesday afternoon.

Is anyone surprised nothing was done? I'm certainly not. 

He said: 'I've complained about the dog loads of times to the police but they've never done anything about it.
'It just non-stop barks because they leave it outside all the time
'I think the owner is a taxi driver who only comes at certain times of the day to let it out and feed it. But it is left outside for the majority of the time.
'It started barking a couple of months ago - when the family moved in but I think it's quite an old dog.
'It seems hungry - like nobody feeds it. I've never actually seen the dog until today - it's scary.'

Even scarier, the animal's owner lives near a primary school. 

South Yorkshire Police said a 53-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the incident. Armed cops were amongst the responders to the incident, which happened just after 5.40pm on Tuesday.
And in another familiar aspect, they didn't use them. They caught the dog alive. Hey, it's only taxpayers money, after all...

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