Friday 15 September 2023

Seems To Me The Logical Step Was Missed Here...

A woman whose ‘aggressive’ Doberman bit two people at a pet crematorium has been...

Offered the next free spot for her vicious mutt? 

...spared jail.

*sighs* OK, let's see why. 

Mitigating, Samuel March, said that Hiscoke had only had Harlow for two weeks prior to the attacks, and said that she had been “missold” the dog and was not aware of its nature. He added the defendant has since learned how to manage the dog more effectively.

Once again, I can't help noticing how often 'I just got the dog!' crops up in these stories. But she's old enough to know better.  

Mr March said: "Every decision she made that day was with the dog's best interest in mind.

It would be nice if she'd had the staff's best interest in mind, wouldn't it? 

Hiscoke, of Elson Lane, Gosport, pleaded guilty to both charges and was sentenced by Judge Adam Feest KC to a six-month concurrent community order, with a two-month curfew enforced from 9am to 6pm. She has also been ordered to pay £100 to Mr Spurgeon and £200 to Ms Lambert.
No order has been put in place regarding whether or not Hiscoke can own a dog. Mr Feest adjourned the decision on the dog's future.

Why is he waiting? Just issue the destruction order! 

H/T: IanJ via email

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