Saturday 16 September 2023

Speaking Of 'A Pattern Of Behaviour That Cannot Go On', Rishi...

...let's not just concentrate on the mutts' behaviour. Or that of their owners. Let's look at the behaviour of those paid to protect.
The owner of two XL Bullys that mauled a 52-year-old father to death had been spoken to on several occasions over his out-of-control dogs, according to the police. Father-of-two Ian Price, from Stonnall, Staffordshire, was killed by the two dogs which jumped out of a neighbour's window yards from a primary school on Thursday afternoon. He reportedly died defending his elderly mother from the animals.
While Staffordshire Police is currently questioning a 30-year-old man from South Staffordshire, they said they are 'aware' of previous police interactions with the owner of the killer dogs ...
What did they do? Less than nothing. 

Just like they did for the 15-20 minutes it took for terrified neighbours to try to fight off the beasts with whatever they had to hand. Though they did send armed cops to parade uselessly up and down the cordon they erected after it was all over...

Pointless security theatre...

The police said the Professional Standards Department found that 'the material does not meet the threshold for a referral to the Independent Office for Police Conduct'.

Of course not. Perish the thought! It's only a pattern we see in these attacks again and again and again. They hardly ever come truly out of the blue.  

Matt, 43, who declined to be fully identified, told MailOnline yesterday: 'This was an accident waiting to happen but it could have been avoided.
'The dogs should never have been allowed to run free to roam the streets and terrorise the neighbourhood.
'The same dogs attacked a middle-aged woman out walking her little dog six weeks to eight or so ago. They should have been taken away from the owner or put down.
'They are killer dogs, ferocious, with huge powerful jaws, and it is such a shame and makes me so angry that it takes someone to be mauled and pass away for action to be taken.'

It's taken more than just 'someone'. It's taken quite a few - 17 in the last two years. And already the usual suspects are climbing aboard the 'don't take our lovely doggie-woggies' bandwagon.  

But if Rishi wants to bring someone to heel, maybe he should be looking at the police a little more closely.

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