Wednesday 13 December 2023

Aren't You Missing A Vital Key Request, Though?

The voices in the pages of this report, speaking out for our loved daughters, sisters, mothers and aunts, need to be urgently listened to. We have several key requests.
First, a shift from an approach that responds to these abhorrent killings, to one that anticipates, intervenes and prevents them. These are not unavoidable tragedies, they are preventable crimes.
We also need a sentencing framework and criminal justice response that demonstrates an absolute intolerance of the killing of women (Ed: screw everyone else, then..?), that holds perpetrators to account and protects our communities.
Finally, we need a root-and-branch review of the care and support accessible to families, because the devastation left in the aftermath of these crimes is far reaching and doesn’t end.

What about 'Telling women and girls that you can't change him, you're not special, and if he's violent to other women and girls he'll be violent to you', Julie

We see these crimes in the same way we see bolts of lightning – something deadly but not something we can prevent.

Except when there's a storm brewing, we know to expect lightning. Some people seem incapable of making that connection and getting indoors out of the way. 


  1. In a straightforward case like this one, the death penalty is an obvious answer.

    Most of the concerns with the death penalty revolve round corrupt cops, dodgy lawyers and false witnesses.

  2. You're quite correct Anonymous.

  3. “How do you write women so well?”

    “I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.”

    Example #274,136 of the reality of feminism in action ,(specifically, women make stupid and bad choices, bad consequences predictably occur, everyone 'but' the women is judged to be to blame but most especially all other men 'not' involved, calls for more privileges, protections and, of course, free money for women. Rinse and repeat).

  4. "Most of the concerns with the death penalty revolve round corrupt cops, dodgy lawyers and false witnesses."

    None of which are in play here.

    "Example #274,136 of the reality of feminism in action"

    Spot on!
