Monday 18 December 2023

Down On The Farm...

A depraved pervert who was caught sneaking into a cowshed and having sex with a calf after a farmer set up surveillance has today avoided jail.

What do you have to do these days? 

Brown had triggered an alarm in the early hours of the night and ran off from the cattle farm in Burton, near Christchurch, Dorset. He jumped several gates only to land in another cow pen where he was trampled on by the animals. He was caught crying on the ground by Mr Farwell, whose family have owned the farm for 144 years. Brown's father had previously worked there as a tractor driver for 17 years.

Pity he was only trampled. Cattle can be unforgiving

Brown admitted the offence and said he felt 'shame and embarrassment'. He was ordered to pay Mr Farwell £600 compensation by a judge who called it a 'very alarming, bizarre and worrying case'.

It's not totally unknown, sadly. But it's really the sort of thing someone should see jail time for. Or perhaps be tossed into a field with a bull, I'd be happy with either. 

The court heard he had no previous convictions and shown genuine remorse.
Olivia McGonigle, defending, said: 'He doesn't live anywhere near the farm and has no intention of working with livestock. He is living with his mother, but there is the possibility of him moving in with his girlfriend, who has been a very supportive person.
'He has expressed how remorseful he is. He is distressed by the pain he has caused.'

Wait, his girlfriend is supportive? I notice she's not named. Understandably so! 


  1. Maybe his girlfriend is named 'Ermintrude' LOL

  2. "What do you have to do these days? "

    Misgender the cow?
    But what does he have to do to get his girlfriend to leave him?

  3. Would her name be Ermintrude?

  4. What sort of woman would allow this person's penis anywhere near her, knowing it's been inside a calf?
    I understand that because his acts involved animals, and not people, he can't be placed on a sex offender's register for legal reasons, though I suppose he could always become a Muslim, as they are said to go in for these things. Would love to be there to see what happens when he next goes into a pub.

  5. Whilst I don't agree with what he did I don't understand why this crime in particular raised you hackles.

    Is it because the calf was underage? Was an unwilling animal in a cross species rape?

    Cows are forced to mate all the time and I'm sure it feels a lot more from a bull than it did from him.

    IMO. The publicity coupled with some serious therapy should be enough here.

    His relationship won't last that much longer, all his friends and family will snigger every time they see him and no woman in her right mind would start up a relationship with him. His life is screwed. Isn't that enough.

    I think I would top myself if I ever did anything like that.

    I'm surprised other calfs didn't come forward #Believe The Cows

  6. Dunno what the silly cow sees in him.

  7. "Cows are forced to mate all the time and I'm sure it feels a lot more from a bull than it did from him."

    Cows are. Calves aren't.

    You did note the bit about the calve being in distress, and the unexplained calf deaths?

  8. "Misgender the cow?"

    It could be that some of the posters here are guilty of that? Y'all making assumptions.

  9. Ermintrude? Too obvious. Her name is Moooriel.

  10. Perhaps he vealy vealy loved the calf?

    Just here for the puns!!

  11. I've said before that I've noticed over the years that:

    The punishment a person views as 'acceptable', or demands, for a type of crime, is a direct reflection of ... how likely they see 'themselves' committing said crime (even in extremis). The less likely, the more draconian the punishment. The more likely (that they would, or already have committed such a crime), the more nuanced, rehabilitative and limited the punishment (after expressing sympathy, excuses, justifications and support for the criminal).

    As such, we can all see just where Lord T's 'interests' lie.

  12. Caught out again by my big mouth. Luckily I don't have access to Cows or Calfs, for them anyway.

    My cat is now looking at me a little nervously.

  13. Oh how … predictable, a claim of humour (I was just joking), the last, desperate defence of someone caught ‘accidentally’ revealing a truth they would much rather nobody knew (of which they are secretly proud, but had to walk-back when they realised everybody else sees them for the scum they are).

    The thing is, it isn’t just that you ‘did’ ask such questions, but that you ‘could’ ask them. That, in and of itself, revealed for all to see that you are lacking in, what used to be called, a moral compass or common decency. You, are a pervert. Whether your particular perversion involves animals, or even whether you have ever acted on it at all, is irrelevant.

    The fact that you cannot, apparently, even understand why normal people view such as both a crime and an indefensible wrong, shows just how broken and dangerous you are. That you are unable to see the wrong in this makes one wonder just what else your diseased mind would find acceptable (not being capable of discerning even why most would disagree).

    I’ll just point out a fact you may not have considered. Pseudonym’s and anonymity are a joke, I can guarantee someone, many someone's, already know who and where you are, and the internet is forever. If I were a neighbour of yours (or your employer), and found out your views on such as this, tar and feathers would be your least worry (and I am a very restrained and law-abiding individual). In the weeks and months to come, everybody you know ‘will’ find out just what kind of person you really are. Enjoy!

  14. Taken a rather dark turn on here now

  15. The girlfriend was called Buttercup

  16. Anon, Were you referring to me?

    I've not backed away from my stance at all. I still believe that some nutter screwing a calf does not deserve a much harsher punishment than someone screwing a human against their will. We own calfs, we kill them at will so where it matters we don't really care about their lives. To say screwing one deserves all these punishments doesn't make sense. I personally put this sort of offence is the sad but funny category.

    As far as it being a crime I fail to understand how cutting the calfs throat is not a crime yet screwing it is.

    Having a viewpoint, on any subject does not mean that I agree with that view and we all draw the lines in different places. For example I think child sex crimes should result in physical castration.

    I think your response to this shows how your mind works more than mine.

  17. T

    And that, right there, is obviously your problem. You persist in only seeing it (or at least pretending to) as an 'abuse' of the calf issue, when any normal persons response is to single out the major issue, which is the ... perversion of the perpetrator (or do you view breaking into someone's property and sexually molesting anything, or anyone there they feel like as ... acceptable, as long as the abused item/animal/person isn't sapient/conscious? I seriously doubt that). The point is that someone who 'can' act like this, can also (if they think they can get away with it) act in even more "unacceptable" ways, and not only towards animals - they have demonstrated, categorically, that they will ignore mores, norms and ... laws, if it gives them some "gratification", so why would any other restriction even slow them down?

    I could point out that culling animals, at least in the civilised west, isn't performed with a knife (with even stress reduced as much as possible and suffering minimised or removed entirely) but ... that was always a straw-man argument on your part, right?

    I'm having trouble deciding if you're a muslim (with their cultural penchant for doing similar 'deeds') or just gay (remember the recent STI infections amongst gays that 'amazingly' was transmitted to their children and ... pets). Either way you patently have 'issues' that most normals would view as ... perverse.

  18. Anon,

    My issue is not with the perversion. We both agree this guy is a nutter and a pervert. My issue is the punishment. Julia is a hang them high person and generally I agree with her but every now and again genuinely don't know what to do witth these people. I've always said that the punishment should reflect the crime.

    So lets try something different; I think we both agree that the punishment should be severe for child rapists. imo they should be physically castrated if there is no doubt as to their guilt. Children take that trauma through their entire lives. In this case how traumatized was the calf?

    Here is another two examples I struggle with in our justice system.

    1 - What if there is no victim? Necrophilia. It is illegal but who sis harmed? The guy is obviously a nutter but the world is full of them. What punishment should he face? No real victim, no trauma going on and only the onlookers disgust for a reason to prosecute. I just can't get my head around the act and cannot think of a punishment for it.

    2 - Created child porn. This is where images are created, anime like, of underage girls. Anime is a big thing. No who is harmed? There is a case to be made that having this outlet stops people from trying the real thing where there is a victim. However it is illegal here and treated like real children are being abused. Another victimless crime except in the eyes of the law.

    I am interested in Justice, not law, and the punishment should relate to the impact on someone. I also believe that extends to animals and cruelty should be punished there too.

    The reference to the knife was that it's OK to kill em but not OK to screw them even though one does a lot more harm than the other. Plus, have you heard of Halal meat. We cut their throats in the West too.

    Does it have to be either or, I could be a gay muslim. Didn't know about the STIs. Were there any prosecutions?

    I think you misunderstand me. I don't have issues with perversions. There are plenty of them including some I have not actually heard of yet. People are strange. I actually agree with you that the calf thing is a perversion, as are the other examples I gave, but I'm struggling with the punishment. That is my issue. Not the crime the punishment and in my view it needs to reflect the damage done and act as a deterrent to others.

  19. T

    You have issues with the punishment alone?

    You feel he has unfairly been subject to a more draconian punishment than he 'deserves' right?

    OK, now tell us all how happy you will be to have him housed next-door to you, to work and socialise with your relatives and have unrestricted, unsupervised access to your children. Oh but ... it will be very different when it's you and yours at risk, won't it?

    And "... no victim? Necrophilia. ... Created child porn."?! You apparently seem incapable of realising when to "stop shovelling" in your (apparently tone-deaf cheerful admissions and) desire to prove how woke and lacking in even basic morals you are (but yet gain it'll be a different tune when it's the remains of your family, or you, that is being ... molested, or someone 'corrupted' by images that 'normalise', encourage and inflame them to 'actually' want the real thing targetting your children).

    That's the thing about the woke NIMBYism, you're always happy to virtue signal your "PC superiority" just as long as it is ... everyone else that suffers the consequences, never you.

    Justice? "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

  20. Anon,

    I'm not saying that. I cannot make it any plainer. I have no idea what to do with people like these. An asylum, Prison, Execution, hung and quartering?

    I believe that the punishment should fit the impact of the crime and that the hang em high crowd want to punish this guy more than they are punishing a child rapist today. That is not right. That is the end of my comments.

    As far as neighbours are concerned I have no idea if any are child rapists already. I think I'd rather have someone that fancies calfs there though than I child molester.

    You just don't understand me at all. I'm far from woke and have strong morals. I'm a hang them high person myself and think the punishments we put in place are farcical and should be increased as well as how they should be layered in severity after every offence. The people in prison would be those that are a threat to society and not people that can't pay bills.

    Your mind is very closed and unable to consider other factors. I just can't explain it any better than I have. Perhaps when society collapses you can achieve your goal of your place burning witches because they don't meet your code of ethics.

  21. Ahah!

    I finally understand! From the doubling-down on provable idiocy, the passive-aggressive "defences", the expectation that 'your' choices will never affect you personally, the virtue-signalling, to the whining of 'your' victimhood ... you aren't a muslim, or a gay, you're ... a woman (explains it all, doesn't it?).

    My "mind is closed" is it? Hmm, I suspect yours is so open it's dribbling out of your ears (I realise all your woke friends parrot the same drivel, and you absolutely must fit in, but do try to actually think for a change). Hint: Factors aren't facts (no matter how hard you hope the wish-fairy will make them so).

    I'm, what the Americans used to call "a libertarian", do whatever you wish as long as it affects no-one else (especially me and mine) adversely. A leave me alone and I'll leave you alone type, unlike you who demands to enforce your woke world-view on 'everyone'. Hint: the one who clamours (to impose your 'enlightened' opinions and) to be a witch-finder, in reality, is ... you (FYI, what no-one ever admits is ... that all those poor defenceless old women hounded and burned were accused by ... other women. And it's almost as if those spreading the woke histories had never met any women, many of those old women were targetted for the abuses they 'will' have perpetrated against their younger 'rivals' when they were in positions of power/prestige. Sound familiar?).

  22. T

    Something to think about.

    Men's and women's 'psychologies' are markedly different, to the extent in some things they are the polar opposites of each other.

    Men approach crime and punishment as a black/white, right/wrong binary solution set, with crimes punished with severe, but appropriate penalties (seen as both a punishment and a deterrent). Women tend towards nuanced, situational assessments (who, what, where, why) with any justification or excuse accepted, and punishments again nuanced, limited and 'rehabilitative' 9seen as a 'teaching/learning experience').

    Women's approach (at least when tempered by a mans) is demonstrably the best ... within the family (after all you wouldn't treat a child 'stealing' a biscuit from your kitchen the same as a thief stealing that biscuit from a shop). The problem arises, as we have now, where we have the womens approach applied to justice in society as a whole (demonstrably an utter disaster), with every vicious/violent/persistent/career criminal being treated like 'naughty schoolchildren'.

    Your "I wonder about the severity of the punishment" is if not laudable, at least understandable ... within a family setting, but within the wider community it is a destructive disaster. You persist in thinking only of 'what if it was me, or little Jimmy' committing such a crime, instead of the impact on everyone else (especially the victim), society as a whole, and the 'standing' of the law and even norms and values.

    At least 'try' to think about it.

    [I suspect, know, I'm wasting my time, but I had to try]

  23. Anon,

    You are all over the place. I'm a Libertarian as well and have been for decades. My brains are pretty much still in place and I'm far from woke. I'm always getting into trouble with the PC crowd. I'm also a old white male so wrong again.

    I just can't understand why you don't understand my point regardless of whether you agree or not. You are clearly stuck on your path and won't change. I understand your views although I don't agree with them.

    I thought it must be the unfortunate subject that is clearly close to your heart. Some issue with bovines in your past, obviously not sexual though so that is good.

    I agree we are wasting each others time and as we are going in circles as I now have to search for this article I'm going to put you in the same category as this guy. Someone who's thinking I just don't understand.

    Feel free to replay so you can have the last word. I won't be replying. I'm generous like that and for the avoidance of doubt. I haven't changed my stance, your arguments aren't that good it is just I've better things to do with my time like scratching my balls.

  24. I've really enjoyed reading the laughable replies from "Lord T"

    I dont know about the other anon but I think the rest of us here have already figured out that the T stands for trans, and any balls "he" will be scratching will be his cats or came in a bag from Sports Direct.

  25. Well, this one generated a LOT of comment! And some amusing puns.

    "Maybe his girlfriend is named 'Ermintrude' LOL"


    "What sort of woman would allow this person's penis anywhere near her..."

    My thoughts exactly!

    "Whilst I don't agree with what he did I don't understand why this crime in particular raised you hackles."

    Because it's disgusting?

    "My cat is now looking at me a little nervously."


  26. "...the hang em high crowd want to punish this guy more than they are punishing a child rapist today."

    Not true, if I ran the prisons there'd be room for both. At least, until the gallows were built.
