Tuesday 19 December 2023

It's Not Going To Be A Labrador, Is It?

The attacked dog suffered minor injuries and both Bozo and a second dog belonging to Walters were seized by police.
No details of Walter’s second dog have been released by South Yorkshire Police .

Those things take a lot of feeding. Just how is a 'homeless man' earning enough by begging to feed them? 

Following the hearing , the judge deemed it safe to return Bozo to Walters under the condition that he isn’t walked off his lead or by anyone under the age of 16 and must wear a muzzle to prevent further biting of a person or dog.
Walters was also fined £150 and ordered to pay £85 in court costs and a £60 surcharge.

I guess, like the tins of Pedigree Chum, the taxpayer's footing the bill for that too? 

H/T: The Jannie via email


  1. You don't have to pay to feed a dog if it can munch on passers-by, now do you? Get a grip, Julia!
