Friday 15 December 2023

Even The Usual Anti-Death Penalty Advocates...

...couldn't really argue this wasn't a suitable case, could they?

Mr Hollywood was convicted of murder alongside Mr Williams, aged 28, of Horne Way, Birmingham. Mr Coates, 18, of Sydney Way, Shard End, was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter. Mr Williams-Reid, 18, of Orchard Meadow Walk, Castle Vale, was cleared of murder and manslaughter. All four were found guilty of conspiracy to murder Mr Ward's son.

It's on CCTV, it's utterly savage and these are dangerous men who showed no fear of consequences.  

Sentencing is due to take place in January next year.

Even if it's 'life', it's not severe enough. 


  1. It’s their culture innit?
    I’m sure the usual rent a mouth politicians will be condemning this murder like when they jump on the bandwagon when a police officer searches one of the little cherubs

  2. "It’s their culture innit?"

    It really does seem to be, yes.
