Thursday 14 December 2023

Our Justice System Is A Total Dog's Breakfast...

Case in point:
A farmer who was filmed dragging his white husky along the road while it was tied to the back of his car before she died has avoided jail.
I've yet to see a more obvious case of animal cruelty and intransigence when caught by the police, so how could he possibly have avoided jail?
Rendall was sentenced today to eight months in prison, suspended for two years, 300 hours of unpaid work alongside a 20 year disqualification from having or keeping animals with the exception of cattle, and fish.
He'd find it tricky to drag either of those behind his car, it's true but seriously, does anyone really believe someone who could do that to a dog would have any regard for any other creatures?

What sort of excuse did he proffer?
In his sentencing remarks, Judge Michael Longman said the defendant had shown a 'high degree of recklessness' in his actions. He said the excuse of social awkwardness 'does not begin to explain or mitigate your behavour'.

*blinks*  Whut..?!

The judge told Rendall that even if he had not realised the extent of Daisy's injuries by the time he drove off he had still showed an 'arrogant distain' towards her.
He described obstructing the police who were trying to get medical help for the dog as 'truly dreadful' and added: 'I don't believe that you were devastated. You showed a deliberate disregard for Daisy's welfare in failing to seek treatment.'

Then why, 'your honour', are you not sentencing this thing in man's clothing to the fullest extent of your power?  


  1. I suspect he wasn't put inside because - apparently - the prisons are full. Another failure of our political class. While I'm on: what does work in the UK exactly? Well, to answer my own question, nothing.

    It's been 40 years since Mrs T was forced out. Since then, except for a brief interval of about 48 hours after the Brexit referendum, the Blob has consolidated its power. Hence the consequent wreckage all around us. It'll get worse!

  2. I'll just suggest you check:
    - who he is related to,
    - who he went to school with,
    - who he socialises with,
    - and in particular who he plays golf with,

    to 'completely' explain the farcical, corrupt "sentencing".

  3. "...because - apparently - the prisons are full. "

    And our 'justice' system never saw it coming? If only we had a conservative govenment we could vote for...

    "I'll just suggest you check:"

    I cannot believe you'd suggest corruption exists!
