Friday 8 December 2023

Yes, The Law Really Is An Ass...

A mother was forced to spend £30,000 to stop her paedophile ex-husband from having access to her daughter. The father was imprisoned for sexual offending and was banned from having contact with children. But he still held parental responsibility for his daughter because he was married to the mother at the time of birth.


The mother took the exceptional step of asking the court to remove her ex-husband's parental rights and ban all contact, direct, indirect or through social media, until their daughter turned 18.

Why did she need to? Why wasn't it automatic? 

Despite the severity of the father's crimes, the mother was advised that the process was likely to be difficult. The father is described as manipulative and she feared he would be able to convince a court of his remorse.

Yes, well, that never seems too difficult, does it, Reader? 


  1. "Why wasn't it automatic?"

    As a father who had to fight, and fight, and fight (and almost bankrupt myself, all whilst paying for her lavish lifestyle, and whilst she got free legal support) to repeatedly 'win' basic contact rights (all of which were blithely ignored, on a whim, for "revenge", without response) ... it 'is' automatic ... for every father 'not' a leftist, criminal or pervert (am I repeating myself?).

    And that, right there, 'should' make you see, and understand, what the whole putrid "family Court" system is really about.

    It used to be a cynical 'joke' amongst fathers that the "Children and Family Court" should be more truthfully relabelled the "bitter Women's Court", but that isn't the real truth (as seen here), it is, and always was, in fact the "bitter, woke, leftist lesbian lawyer court", and any and all 'judgements' reflect 'their' interests and preferred outcomes (screw the fathers and especially the children).

    Women cheerfully fell for it, and supported it, whist they were benefiting, but now they are (as in most areas) no longer the most favoured demographic 'suddenly' it's a problem. Typical!

    As a man I'm ... buying popcorn and enjoying the schadenfreude.

  2. "... now they are (as in most areas) no longer the most favoured demographic..."

    Never cheer for laws you wouldn't be happy living under if 'the other side' had control of them!
