Thursday 7 December 2023

When Your Loathing Of The Westminster Government...

...outstrips your desire to keep your supporters safe:
Nationalist MSPs have been accused of gambling with Scots’ lives after refusing to sign up to the Prime Minister’s ban on XL Bully dogs. Scottish ministers have officially turned down a request from the UK Government to comply with the fast-tracked crackdown being implemented south of the Border.

But perhaps the Scots are sensible. Maybe they don't exist in such numbers south of the border.  

Last month, a court heard how one mauled three children in Forfar in a matter of weeks. Also, in October a teenager was set upon by his own dog in Motherwell and required emergency surgery. In September an owner in Dundee had her thumb bitten while her husband was also badly mauled.

Oh. well. So much for that! 

Victims and community safety minister Siobhian Brown has written to the UK Government, stating the Scottish Government will not apply the new measures. Her letter said the Scottish Government backed the ‘proportionate approach’ of dog control notices being served on owners who allow their animals to be out of control.
But she also argued that it was up to the UK Government to ensure that no XL Bullies were abandoned over the Border.

Wait, what? Why the hell is it up to our government!? 

Scottish Tory Justice spokesman Russell Findlay claimed the SNP was gambling with lives and said: ‘Given the spate of horrific incidents, the evidence for a ban in Scotland is surely staring SNP ministers in the face.
‘Her refusal to sign up to this sensible plan can only increase the risk to Scots.
‘It seems likely that the SNP are yet again picking a constitutional fight with the UK Government.’
He added: ‘For her to then demand that these dogs do not end up in Scotland is tacit admission of the danger they pose. The SNP must stop pathetic posturing and put public safety first.’

Satan will be looking on Amazon for ice skates when that happens! 


  1. I'd argue that it's the duty of the Scottish government to establish border controls and no doubt then customs duties on imports from England.

    I like to envisage the huge line-up of cars and trucks as the customs officers search each one carefully for these cruel canines.

  2. Scotland, like Ireland, has a lower incidence of criminality, alcoholism, drug use and mental health issues because ... they both immediately ship the 'problems' to England (for all the freebies). [I worked a London teaching hospitals mental health unit some decades ago, and even then, the entire unit had ... only three patients who weren't Irish, Scots or muslims. And it's worse now].

    So the possibility of some payback (shipping Scrotes fashion accessories up to them) is ... absolutely hilarious, and couldn't happen to "nicer" people (it's just a pity we can't send the owners along with them).

  3. "I'd argue that it's the duty of the Scottish government to establish border controls and no doubt then customs duties on imports from England."

    Heh! Hard to smuggle one of these things in your suitcase!

    "I worked a London teaching hospitals mental health unit some decades ago, and even then, the entire unit had ... only three patients who weren't Irish, Scots or muslims. And it's worse now"

