Thursday 7 December 2023

Cost Of Living...?

...or usual winter fare when it's cold and wet out? You decide,Reader!


  1. People are cooking at home because of the cost of living? But I thought take away food was supposed to be cheaper?

  2. No, I think that take-away food and Justeats, deliveroo etc are pitched at those who can either afford to be lazy or (more likely) are too dumb to realise that they cannot afford to be lazy.

  3. I 'think' the reality of the article isn't (even vaguely) about 'normal' people, but that even the wokerati are now having to tighten their belts and abstain from virtue-signalling their credentials by eating holistic, free-range, whole, organic (i.e. covered in sh*t), artisan (grown half a world away and transported by air) meals (preferably cooked by half-washed 'non-white' people who hate you) are ... now having to eat like the rest of us always did. (I mean, come on, when did the woke press 'ever' care about us? They are writing to, and about, people like themselves).

    Personally, I think it shouldn't be allowed. Like all those 'anti-oil' people who heat their homes with, and drive daddies SUV powered by (not to mention their multiple foreign holidays via oil-powered airlines) who should be 'required' to do without the the thing they 'supposedly' hate, if you spend years denigrating traditional English food, attacking anyone who eats, grows or cooks it you ... don't get to eat it yourself later.

  4. "But I thought take away food was supposed to be cheaper?"

    Nope! It always works out more expensive. That's why for normal families, it's an occasional treat.

    "...pitched at those who can either afford to be lazy or (more likely) are too dumb to realise that they cannot afford to be lazy."

    Spot on!

    "I mean, come on, when did the woke press 'ever' care about us? They are writing to, and about, people like themselves"

    I suspect you too are spot on.
