Wednesday 6 December 2023

Isn't It Obvious..?

The relatives of 27 people who died in the worst mass drowning in the Channel for decades have marked two years since the disaster by issuing an open letter demanding answers over what happened.

Your relatives tried to breach UK immigration laws by setting out in an inadequate vessel in poor sea conditions. There! Didn't take a lot of effort to answer, did it? 

The letter states: “We will never let the lives lost that night, or those of loved ones lost since, be forgotten. We demand justice and change. We long for people seeking safety on British shores to be seen as human beings, deserving of rights, compassion and dignity.”

They were setting off from France. That's perfectly safe. 

“Tragedies like this occur because of the ‘othering’ our politicians insist on – of the dehumanising of sons and fathers, mothers and daughters, friends and family members.”

No, it's because these people are insistent on coming illegally to a country of their choice, no matter what. They claim they want to come to the UK 'for a better life' and that makes them economic migrants, and not refugees.

The letter calls for safe routes for all refugees wishing to come to the UK and improved resettlement and refugee family reunion schemes.
“That is the only way these tragedies will end,” it says.

Well, that's not on the cards. So it looks like this won't end.  

The open letter has been coordinated by a coalition of charities in the refugee sector including Calais Appeal, Care4Calais, Freedom from Torture, Refugee Action, the Refugee Council, Safe Passage and the Scottish Refugee Council.

Of course. The usual suspects.  


  1. Every single one of those groups needs disbanding. Utter leeches the lot of them

  2. What are they whinging about? There are safe routes to the UK. However, because these involvev turning up at an airport, Ferry port, or Tunnel, with a passport, they are discounted. I'm amazed that the Care4Calais harpies can get out of a potential illegal immigrant's bed, long enough to protest.
    If they want someone to blame, blame the people smugglers, blame the French, but most of all, blame themselves for demanding something for nothing.

  3. I of course believe the charities and the illegals owe permanent and continuing compensation to the British taxpayer for their crimes.

  4. "Every single one of those groups needs disbanding. Utter leeches the lot of them"

    If only we'd elected a conservative government, eh?

    "I'm amazed that the Care4Calais harpies can get out of a potential illegal immigrant's bed, long enough to protest."


    "...the charities and the illegals owe permanent and continuing compensation to the British taxpayer for their crimes."

    Indeed so!
