Wednesday 6 December 2023

Now They Are Financially Bankrupt...

Brighton Council has warned it is in 'financial peril' and will have to cut millions of pounds in spending next year to balance its books - after Nottingham City Council declared itself 'bankrupt'.
...instead of just morally bankrupt.
Ms Sankey said: 'The council's finances are in an extremely perilous position. 'There was absolutely nothing in the autumn statement to provide relief for this council or local authorities who have faced a decade of heartless central government austerity, or any real-world financial help for struggling families.
'Demand for our services is increasing, especially in key areas like adult social care, children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and homelessness, which is putting pressure on other services.'

Well, maybe you should spend what you have on those, and not on idiotic things no-one wants..? 

The Labour council leader added: 'We're being forced to look at every one of the 400 services we provide and start the extremely difficult process of deciding what are priority services and what aren't.'

You've already decided on that, though, and we can see what the ratepayers think of your choices.  

'To put it bluntly, the less money we have the less services we can provide.'

It's 'fewer services', love. 


  1. "children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)"

    They love their stupid acronyms, don't they

  2. If you want to see how Labour or the Lib Dems will do in government then look at their records where they have a bit of power. Like Brighton-then extrapolate across the whole country.

  3. Of course the services which will be cut/curtailed will include the basics of local government (eg waste collection, road repair, street cleaning etc). Doubtless, as here in the London Borough of Haringey, the endless and expensive "history months" devoted to "celebrating" the barely existent cultures* of non-indigenous, non-working, benefit-receiving, council tax non-payers will continue unabated.

    * unless "culture" encompasses, for instance, street thuggery, absent fatherhood, electoral fraud, mass rape and general parasitism, in which case - since WW2 - we have welcomed the most cultured immigrants in our history.

  4. "They love their stupid acronyms, don't they"

    Indeed! And shouldn't it be 'and/or'?

    "If you want to see how Labour or the Lib Dems will do in government ..."

    Oh, I think we're going to see it first hand, next time round.

    "Doubtless, as here in the London Borough of Haringey, the endless and expensive "history months" devoted to "celebrating" the barely existent cultures* of non-indigenous, non-working, benefit-receiving, council tax non-payers will continue unabated."

    Of course!
