Monday 12 February 2024

Every Cloud...

The Met said yesterday its main working hypothesis was the attacker had 'gone into' the River Thames after being seen leaning over the railings of Chelsea Bridge on the night of the incident before disappearing from view.

And as a result, several families might now have closure: 

Marine Policing Unit boats have been pictured on the Thames as officers search for a body. On Saturday, police found one man's body near HMS Belfast and Tower Bridge, at 10.13am, and another man's body near Limehouse, east London at 10.39am, less than half an hour later.
Both men's deaths are being treated as unexpected and the police are working to identify them so they can inform their relatives.

Will they ever find Ezedi? Who knows. But hopefully they do. The poor Thames doesn't need more human filth in it. 


  1. If they find 2 bodies in 30 mins when they're looking... how many do they not find when they're *not* looking?

  2. As Anonymous said, these two bodies would not have been found except that they were looking for a specific one. Homeless? Been off relatives' grids long before they died.

  3. I think that there's a lot in this story we aren't being told. How did he come by the facial injury? It took days for us to be told that he and the victim had been in a relationship. Whose are the children? If not his, then what about their father(s)? What ethnicity was the victim? How could he have a jo in the NE, with the woman in London?

    A modern Agatha Christie could do wonders with this lot.

  4. "If they find 2 bodies in 30 mins when they're looking... how many do they not find when they're *not* looking?"

    I suspect, given it's a very dangerous undertaking, they prefer to wait for them to float...

    "Homeless? Been off relatives' grids long before they died."

    Most likely. Of course, there's murder too.

    "A modern Agatha Christie could do wonders with this lot."

    It's the usual 'we can't tell you things you've almost certainly guessed' school of police PR.
