Monday 12 February 2024

I Hope That Officer Is On Traffic Duties...

...maybe as an emergency bollard:

London's Metropolitan Police ordered thousands of trousers with plus size waistlines last year, with one officer requiring a pair with an XXXXXXL waist.

I...I mean, how big is that even? 

The figures showed one male officer had a pair of trousers ordered with a whopping 62 inches waist while the largest trousers ordered for a female officer were a size 44.


While the most common size for plus size male officers was a 40 inches waist and a size 20 for their female counterparts, according to figures reported by The Sun.
Prospective Met officers are required to take a Job Related Fitness Test before being admitted to training.

Sounds like they may as well make it a 'Job Related Fitting Through The Station Main Door Test'. 


  1. TYPO ALERT! That should read "Job related fatness test".

  2. "Prospective Met officers are required to take a Job Related Fitness Test before being admitted to training"

    Then why the hell isn't there a requirement to undergo regular testing AFTER they get the job? Presuming they were of a sensible girth to start with, there would be no excuses as to why they now break the bathroom scales...

  3. Of course, sitting all day long in front of a computer is rather different from being a 'Bobby on the Beat', and we all of us know that the sedentary operation breeds fatsos (well, at least those of us who watched 'Jurassic Park' know so). Incidentally, was the Jurassic Park system programmed by Fujitsu?

  4. Recruits, doughnuts at the ready, wait for it, wait for it, Eat! First one to finish gets to be promoted to Sergeant immediately!

  5. He only gets one pair??
    With humongous cargo pockets for XXXXXXXL size doughnuts.
    It might be less embarrassing if they used Roman sizing - LX-L looks better.

  6. Some years ago the St. Albans police station was closed. At the same time the Dunkin Donuts branch closed. Coincidence theorists among us may find that interesting.

  7. The Daily Mail run this story every twelve months or so
    And to answer a query above we have to take the fitness test once a year.

  8. "...we have to take the fitness test once a year(sic)" The low proportion of fat bastards failing the test is an effective indicator of its uselessness.

  9. I'm 6'5" and fifty-mumble now so there has been 'a degree' of middle-aged-spread, but ... as a teen I was the proverbial bean-pole (waist 34"), as an adult I wore 38" trousers (and still looked like an escapee from Bergen-Belson). Now I wear (hangs head in shame) 40" waist trousers (no beer-belly, still a flat stomach, just ... chunkier).

    Point? There are many who will wear 40" who are at least in sight of a normal healthy figure (women have a weird view of men, I once listened to a group citing their wish for a 6footplus man with ... no more than a 32" waist).

    But ... 6XL (in probably the norm of <5' 6" male) or 44" in a (probably <5') woman is just embarrassing and has come about, purely and simply, because of the reduction in requirements to allow 'any' of those women in in the first place (reduce the requirements to let some female weeble in and .... you don't get to later complain about the fact the weeble 'still' can't exercise).

  10. I'm not defending these fatties. I'm the same weight as I was thirty years ago so there's no excuse.

  11. Oh dear, Melvin's back from holiday. . . . . .

  12. @ 'Nemisis'

    I must hope that the cause of your grief was my reference to fat, plod bastards. Therefore I am taking a wild guess that your proportions are occupationally skewed towards the generous side. Folded in such quantities of adipose tissue as to leave you more intimately acquainted through tactile receptors rather than direct vision? Otherwise they would remain as obscure as your spelling.

  13. "TYPO ALERT! That should read "Job related fatness test"."


    "Then why the hell isn't there a requirement to undergo regular testing AFTER they get the job? "

    Damn good point! It appears they do, so how does this one keep failing and stay in the job?

    "Incidentally, was the Jurassic Park system programmed by Fujitsu?"

    Well, no, it worked....until it was sabotaged!

    "It might be less embarrassing if they used Roman sizing - LX-L looks better."

    One for the classicists there!

    "Coincidence theorists among us may find that interesting."


    "I'm not defending these fatties. I'm the same weight as I was thirty years ago so there's no excuse."

    Well done!
