Tuesday 20 February 2024

I Bet Their DEI Training Was Up To Date Though...

A driving instructor was rescued from 4ft of floodwater by a couple, as firefighters stood-by, because they weren't trained to go into water at such depths.
Filmmaker Jamie Price and his partner Danielle waded into the thigh-high water to help the motorist in Ingatestone, Essex, on Sunday morning. Crews from Essex Fire and Rescue, as well as an ambulance and police were at the scene, but Mr Price told The Telegraph he was shocked to see the emergency services were not doing more to help.
I don't know why that would shock anyone, frankly. We have police who can't bring themselves to deal properly with dangerous animals, NHS staff who neglect basic biology and retail shops who care more for woke claptrap than for making a profit.

This latest nonsense is par for the course...
When he asked them why they were not going in the water, they told him they were 'waiting for some specialist crews' because the water level was over 4ft and 'they were only allowed to go in waist-high.'
The sci-fi authour Robert Heinlein had something to say about that:
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."


  1. Leaving the useless emergency services to one side for now, I can't understand why the driver did not get out of the car himself, but just sat in it waiting for help. There doesn't seem to be any reason for it, unless I'm missing something

  2. This doesn't surprise me. Remember Plod not on let a kid die but stopped other people from trying to rescue them. Fireman don't have the power to stop people or they probably would have.

    I'm disappointed it has got to these guys although water rescue and firemen?

    Anyway something wrong with the text. There is talk about the rescuers in thight high but fireman say it was above waist high. Something isn't right. Four foot sounds like more than thigh high to me.

  3. "thigh high" water was "over 4ft deep"?

    Now I'll freely admit to being a bit under the average height, but...

  4. So a driving instructor couldn't recognise flood water as a hazard and not drive in to it?

    "Thigh-high" water doesn't sound as though it's 4ft deep, although it can be hard to tell without actually going in to find out. The level of the water against the side of the car might have been a clue.

    The emergency services are not the only idiots here.

  5. "Waiting for some specialist crews"

    So why didn't they bugger off to a "shout" they COULD deal with???

  6. Maybe driving instructors who are so incapable of "reading the road" are the real reason why driving standards in the UK are so low.

  7. @Nemisis. You may have a point here. When I am out teaching motorcyclists, we have to do U turns on the public road with CBT students. It is not unusual to be stood at the side of the road with a student as a driving school car pulls up right in the area we are using. This despite our HV vests and bikes with L plates. If the instructors have such piss poor situational awareness, what chance does the student have? One of my colleges became so exasperated with this behaviour, he took one to task and it became immediately apparent that the instructor had no idea what he was doing.

  8. "...I can't understand why the driver did not get out of the car himself..."

    Have you seen the video of the instructor? There could be a clue there... ;)

    "...something wrong with the text. There is talk about the rescuers in thight high but fireman say it was above waist high. Something isn't right. Four foot sounds like more than thigh high to me."

    Yes, but don't expect our 'journalists' to question that!

    "The level of the water against the side of the car might have been a clue."

    In the video, it's up to the bottom of the window of the car.

    "So why didn't they bugger off to a "shout" they COULD deal with???"

    Good point. I suppose their instructions are to stay there until someone else does their job for them? 🤷‍♀️

    "Maybe driving instructors who are so incapable of "reading the road" are the real reason why driving standards in the UK are so low."

    As I pointed out to Bucko, I was unsurprised when I saw the instructor!

    "If the instructors have such piss poor situational awareness, what chance does the student have?"

    Absolutely none!
