Thursday 8 February 2024

In Which I Defend Rishi Sunak...

...though it's difficult, I admit.
“For the prime minister of our country to come out with degrading comments like he did, regardless of them being in relation to discussions in parliament, they are absolutely dehumanising,” he told Sky News.
What did he say?
Listing what he called broken Labour promises, the prime minister said: “I think I counted almost 30 in the last year: pensions, planning, peerages, public sector pay, tuition fees, childcare, second referendums, defining a woman – although in fairness that was only 99% of a U-turn.
Clearly a reference to the nonsense spouted by Starmer that '99.9%” of women do not have penises'. It's 100% obviously. 

And the person who objected and claimed to have found it personally 'shocking'? The father of a murdered transgender child.
Asked repeatedly why Sunak had made a joke at the expense of trans people, the chancellor told the BBC this was “taking these comments out of context”, before eventually refusing to engage with questions about whether the prime minister should apologise.

Why should a British Prime Minister ever apologise for stating a biological fact? 


  1. I did wonder whether it was Brian's mother who was "not like a regular mom, I'm a cool mom" and pandered to the mental illness, whilst dad put up with it for a quiet life. Seems he is afflicted with the same modern parent stupidity!

  2. As far as I have followed the case, the murderers were looking for a victim, and Brian was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nothing to do with being 'trans'.

    I agree with Matt: parents need to take some responsibility for encouraging Brian's delusion(s). Sometimes, you just have to accept the fact that you are what you are, and cannot alter - short, tall, male, female, smart, dim, and all the rest of it.

    If, after school, Brian wanted to ponce about in girl's clothes, then fine. Most girls and women wear trousers at times, and that doesn't make them transvestite. Some cultures have men wearing skirts or dresses: Scots, Malays, Arabs ...

    And as for men going into women's toilets, don't they all have cubicles with locking doors? Changing rooms seem to me to be a different matter. I'm sick of the bleats about 'women-only spaces'. Women are keen to invade men's spaces - Boy Scouts for one.

  3. "Seems he is afflicted with the same modern parent stupidity!"

    It's like a plague!

    "As far as I have followed the case, the murderers were looking for a victim, and Brian was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nothing to do with being 'trans'."

    Correct, even the police didn't treat it as a 'hate crime'. And you KNOW they would have, if they could.

    "Women are keen to invade men's spaces - Boy Scouts for one."

    Saw an article - I think, at Samizdata - which suggested the early feminist demands to break up men's clubs paved the way for the trans insanity, so you could be right.
