Wednesday 7 February 2024

Sounds Like A Place Where Hope’s Been Abandoned…

A primary school has promised improvement after its kitchen received one of the worst food hygiene ratings in Bexley.
Hope Community School in Sidcup has vowed to "urgently" address the rating, after the Food Standards Agency (FSA) discovered a catalogue of failings during their visit in December. It was found that staff were not wearing protective clothing and could not tell the inspector what allergens were in the food they were serving to pupils. The grim discoveries led to an overall "one" hygiene rating, the second lowest possible – placing it in the bottom 1.1 per cent of establishments in the borough.

So, Greasy Ali's Kebab House provides a better - and safer! - meal for your kiddiewinks than their school! 

Good grief! Maybe they should get their education there as well? 

A spokesperson for the school said: "We take food hygiene very seriously.

OK, really? So, what's your explanation for this, then? 

"The lower than expected rating was predominantly due to improvements needing to be made in the paperwork and procedures element of the inspection.

Errr, yes.  

"The school very recently took the catering inhouse, and was therefore in a transitional stage during the inspection, which meant the catering team were still in the process of establishing the appropriate paperwork and procedures required."

That's your explanation? Jeez. 'The dog ate our homework' would have been more plausible...


  1. This is perfectly believable, sadly. The average person these days - and especially whatever sub-average troglodyte works in a modern school kitchen - seems to require everything spelled out, right to their faces.

    "Ohhh... it says in the guidelines that I shouldn't put my finger up my arse before putting the fish fingers in the oven. I'll make sure to stop doing that."

    Far too many people simply don't think for themselves any more. Thoroughly conditioned to follow orders and/or ask Alexa/Google for an instant answer. No need to exercise that thing between their ears.

  2. I wonder if there was a proper plan to 'take the catering inhouse' or whether it was someone's bright idea to save money and 'hope' that practical matters would magically resolve themselves? Or, worse still, the 'minions' would know what do do.

  3. Bexley?

    Why can I guarantee that every one of those kitchen staff (most of the admin and teaching staff too) are ... diverse?

    Maybe that's the problem (I know, I'll go and sit on the naughty raciss step now, even if we all know it's the truth).

  4. It is all circular.
    These schools teach lots of weko (an anti right-speak alert anagram) stuff but not what we used to call "domestic science".
    These fully qualified pupils enter the jobs market, maybe with a nice degree in Gender Studies, and win the jackpot of a job (for life, with perks )in the public sector. In a school kitchen.
    Maybe, back at their alma mater (someone will tell them what that means).
    They reheat the halal, kosher, vegan, gender neutral, etc. etc. nosh kindly provided by some coonsillor's best crony, (thanks for the totally unhealthy slap up lunch).
    Go on to pass Go, and collect oodles of boodle.
    My God, how the money rolls in.

  5. "Far too many people simply don't think for themselves any more. "

    Very true, though you'd expect better from a school!

    "I wonder if there was a proper plan to 'take the catering inhouse' or whether it was someone's bright idea to save money and 'hope' that practical matters would magically resolve themselves?"

    I wonder too.

    "Why can I guarantee that every one of those kitchen staff (most of the admin and teaching staff too) are ... diverse?"

    No names, so I guess we'll never know...

    "These schools teach lots of weko (an anti right-speak alert anagram) stuff but not what we used to call "domestic science"."

    My favourite subject after English and Art!
