Thursday 21 March 2024

Failing Everywhere...

A man who was brutally attacked by his paranoid schizophrenic cousin could have been saved if a call to the police had not been left on hold for more than 40 minutes, an inquest has heard.
Stockport Coroners' Court heard evidence from Sgt Dominic Brady, of Greater Manchester Police's professional standards branch, who investigated the way the force dealt with calls made about Glennon on the day he killed Mr Lowry. He explained how the chain of events leading to police checking on Glennon broke down and how a potential opportunity to detain him was missed when a 101 caller who tried to report the would-be killer was put on hold for 40 minutes.

Remind me again, what they call 999? It's the 'emergency number', isn't it, Reader? 

A mother has slammed police after her son's body lay undiscovered in the back of his van parked on a BP garage forecourt for six days. Don Shepherd was last seen parking his van at the BP on Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green, East London, early on February 11. Described as a 'happy tree hugger' by his mother and living in his van, Mr Sheppherd, 50, was seen on film trying to buy a bottle of water – but was told by an assistant the shop was still closed.He was then seen on CCTV walking back to his van. It was the last time he was seen alive.
Inside the vehicle, he died from a heart attack. His body lay in the back of the transit for six days until he was finally discovered by police on February 17 – after his frantic mother repeatedly phoned to report him missing.
'I told them he had last used his bank card at a petrol station in Finsbury Park. I gave them the registration number of his van – and asked them to look at the garage CCTV.
'But they've been hopeless. We told them we knew he had been at the garage.
'I now know that the poor man from the petrol station had also repeatedly called them, saying there's a man here in a van who hasn't left it for five days. But the police never came.'

This is getting to be a widespread problem. No longer just confined to London. 


  1. With immaculate timing, I got my Council Tax bill through last night. I'm pleased* to report that the Police deem it necessary to raise their slice by almost 6%...

    * I'm not.

  2. We all know that plod are useless, overpaid and dangerous. The best solution would be to defund rather than allow a dodgy shambles to drain the public purse whilst providing nothing in return.


  3. 999 is the emergency number Julia , you are correct . But he rang 101.
    Two unconnected incidents in different parts of the country at different times do not establish a pattern

  4. "With immaculate timing, I got my Council Tax bill through last night."

    My commiserations. I had mine last week.

    "We all know that plod are useless, overpaid and dangerous. "

    If it's not true, it's going to be hard for them to prove it by reference to headline articles.

    "999 is the emergency number Julia , you are correct . But he rang 101."

    You say that as it that one was staffed by MoPs or something. It's not, though, is it? It's still staffed by the police.
