Thursday 21 March 2024

Oh, Please!

Who didn't eat out of these as a child? I think we all had cassarole dishes like this in our kitchen, didn't we?  I know I still have the blue and white one at the top, it's the ideal size for cottage pie, and used to be my mum's. 

I know Americans can be risk-averse, but this takes the cherry.


  1. As soon as someone says 'no safe level' you know they're talking arse

  2. "Americans can be risk-averse". No, say rather "women can be/are risk averse" (and 'do' so love to virtue signal in inane, doesn't affect me, ways).

    Then there's the whole "unsafe levels of lead", who exactly gets to define that? It's the "smoking defence" thing where LIV women queue up to attack any sign or sight of tobacco smoke, whilst sitting in front of their log-burners, and after having a barbecue ('actual' research showed barbecuing for half an hour was the equivalent, in inhaled particulates, as ... 240,000 cigarettes - but that's OK as it isn't 'bad' smoke?!). Or, how about the panic of supposedly finding radioactive particles on the beach at Sellafield, at a level that was so small it is exceeded almost anywhere/everywhere else you could check? I particularly 'like' the "not wanting to poison a low income family in need" thing, when its guaranteed her only contact, or even thought of, with such will be her paying them as little as possible to mow her lawn, or clean her toilets (with chemicals considerably more toxic than some allegedly lead contaminated crockery).

    Care to check 'who' makes up the bulk (excluding the small percentage of the corrupt profiteers) of anti-smoking zealots, anti-nuclear, climate change, or any of the other brain-dead (but has really cool slogans and all the 'best' people belong to it) "movements"? Yep, that's right, they're 'all' >90% ... women.

    Hint:it isn't being "American" that's the issue (although I'll admit there's a percentage where it doesn't help) but ... some other factor.

    And we let them vote?!

  3. Why is it that so many of these thickos are so ignorant? I assume it is because of the education system where they don't teach them to think.

    The transfer she is complaining about is quite safe for the simple reason it is under the glaze, hence not exposed.

  4. "As soon as someone says 'no safe level' you know they're talking arse"


    "No, say rather "women can be/are risk averse" "

    True, there's no female equivalent of 'hold my beer and watch THIS!'...

    "Why is it that so many of these thickos are so ignorant?"

    The Internet. It allows thickos all over the world to find each other and thus reinforce their delusions.
